Let Music Be The Food Of Love (Austria x Piano Player! Bullied! Reader)

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If you know where the title comes from, tell meh. Also Gakuen AU. Also, in this, your bullies will be anonymous so you can decide who they are.


Ever since I'd started at Hetalia High, I'd been bullied. I don't know who but I just was. However, I had one escape from it all: The piano. I was thankful that the music rooms were open until late as I wasn't able to go home until later because my parents didn't get home till late from their jobs. So, every day after school, I went to one of the empty music rooms after I had escaped my bullies and let my emotions out. Usually just making up my own tunes occasionally playing well-known ones. However, little did I know that this playing would end up giving me the love of my life as well as stopping the bullying...


It was a normal school day. I got up and ready before saying bye to my parents and walking to school. As soon as I got to my locker, I was shoved against it, Not again. I'm not sure why I was surprised,  this happened every day.

"Thought we told you yesterday to kill yourself! Why haven't you?! You're worthless. Nothing but scum. No wonder you have no friends, no one would want to be friends with a little piece of shit like you!"

Before I could say anything, or before the tears fell, I heard the voice of my saviour, "Vat do jou zink jou're doing?!"

"Treating this piece of shit like she should be treated: Like a piece of shit," the lead bully said pointing towards me after they'd turned to face Roderich.

"I'll have jou know, (Y/n) is not a piece of shit. In fact, you are for treating her as such! She hasn't done anything to you and don't say she has because I know she never would because she's a sweet girl and would never hurt anyone!"

I smiled slightly at Roderich, silently thanking him for sticking up for me. However, it was short-lived as the lead bully spoke again, "Why are you sticking up for her? She deserves it. Little piece of shit."

Again, the tears came back to my eyes, but I didn't let them fall.

"Leave (Y/n) alone before I tell the head."

"Why would the head listen to you?"

Roderich smirked, "Because I happen to be Pupil Council for our year, so scam before I do because I could walk straight to the head's office now and tell them that you're bullying (Y/n)."

I smiled as the bullies ran off, "No! It's fine. We'll leave (Y/n) alone!" I smiled again as Roderich walked over, "Are jou okay, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, Roderich," I responded, hugging him, "Thank you so much."

"Jou're welcome, (Y/n). If they do start bullying you again, tell me and I will actually tell the head."

"Thank you. I'm glad you're my friend Roderich."

"I'm glad to be your friend, (Y/n). Also, about what they said before, you have plenty of friends."

"Thanks, but they're actually right. You're the only true friend I have. Everyone else who's my 'friend' left me straight after I told them I had snakes at home. I don't know why. Snakes are beautiful creatures and there's no need to be scared of them."

"Ja, I agree vith jou, (Y/n). Snakes are great."

"You know, Roderich. If they do anything to me again, then I'll threaten those stupid bullies that I'll come to their houses in the middle of the night and let my snakes bite them. I'm sure Wordsworth, Oscar and Emily would like to have some fun." (If you know where the names are from, cupcakes for you)


The next day, I didn't see Roderich at all. I didn't know why but put it aside thinking that he was just ill and was unable to come in. After school, as usual, I found an empty music room and shut the door behind me before sitting down at the piano and starting to play. I decided to play one of my old favourites from a film I'd seen recently and found the sheet music on my laptop before starting to play, singing along too.

Near the end of the song, I heard a slight background noise similar to that of a door opening and closing but I just ignored it and concentrated on finishing the song. When I had, I heard clapping. I squeaked and turned around to see Roderich standing there, a smile on his face and clapping. I was shocked at this, "Roderich?! What are you doing here? I thought you were ill."

"Just a little snivelling zis morning (Y/n). I'm fine now. Vy didn't jou tell me jou could play and sing so beautifully?"

"Because I thought you'd think differently of me."

He embraced me in a hug, "(Y/n), I love jou for who jou are. I could never zink differently of jou." My face heated up when I heard what he said, "Y-You love me?!" 

"Um, well... I-I-" I cut off his stuttering by leaning up and kissing him, "I love you too."

"How about ve go out somevere togezer?"

"I'd love that. I'd love that a lot, Roderich," I replied leaning up and kissing him again.

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