The 9th Day of HetaChristmas - Canada

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Sorry that this wasn't out yesterday. I forgot and then by the time I realised, it was 9 already and shortly after that, I was too tired to write it. I also couldn't think of an idea but I have one now. It is slightly based off of an idea that someone in the comments suggested but I changed it slightly: The Christmas confession one.

Also, in this, you're Prussia and Germany's sister. (Originally America but then I realised that this oneshot would be incest in that case.)


"Gilbert! I told jou, I'm not coming!" I shouted at him.

"Come on, (Y/n), vy?" he asked back, a sad look appearing on his face.

"Jou should know damn vell wy!" I replied back before walking off upstairs to my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed and cried... Reason? Well, I had nothing against Christmas originally but, something happened and it changed my opinion of Christmas and that 'something' is simple:

Christmas Day was the day that my country collapsed.

It was that that changed my view of Christmas. How was I supposed to be happy on the anniversary of when that happened? Anyway, enough backstory, back to the story. I continued to sit on my bed crying until I heard a knock on my door, "Ja?"

"(Y/n), can I speak to jou, please?"

"Ja, Ludvig, come in."

The door opened to reveal him, "(Y/n), vat's vong?" Scheisse, he saw me crying.

"Vat do jou zink?" I retorted.

"O-Oh, ja. Ich remember now. I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

"Nien, jou have nozing to be sorry for, Lud. I-It vans't jour fault."


Despite my protesting, Gilbert still managed to drag me to Alfred's Christmas party, albeit, he forced me but still got me there. The minute the three of us arrived, I was in the corner, sitting and silently crying, hoping no one would notice. However, that didn't last very long as I soon heard a voice, "H-Hi, (Y/n)."

Ah, yes, the one upside to this party: Seeing Matthew. I smiled slightly and noticeably, "Hey, Matthew. How are jou?"

"I'm good, apart from being ignored all the time."

"I feel jou. Sometimes I feel zat jou und mein bruders are ze only vons zat can see me. Understandable zough. My country fell a few years ago. Zat's vy I don't really like Christmas much: My country fell on Christmas Day," I felt myself tearing up but I didn't want to cry in front of my crush so, I tried to keep it to myself and the tears in my eyes.

"Oh, Maple. I had no idea."

"Of course jou didn't, ze only vons zat did vere mien bruders und me."

"Oh. Well, Maple, if you don't mind, perhaps I could try making this Christmas a one to remember?"

I looked up at him, tears in my eyes, "Really? How?"

He looked away from me towards Kumajiro, who nodded at him before he turned back to me, "Um, well, (Y/n). I-I-You know what, this'll be easier." Before I could reply, he'd wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me. I was shocked at this but melted into it, kissing him back. When we broke for Oxygen, I spoke up, "Ich liebe dich, Matthew."

"I-I love you too, Maple."

With that said, I leaned in and kissed him again, this time, initiating a make-out.

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