There the Whole Time (England x Maid! Reader)

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I thought of this while watching a Black Butler episode. Does anyone else watch it? Please comment if you do and once I've finished watching all the episodes, I may write a oneshot book for it (If enough people want me to). This also includes UsUk shipping (Although, it's Nyo! America x England)


"Master Kirkland?" I asked knocking on the door to his study.

"Come in."

I took a deep breath and entered, "Master Kirkland, you have a visitor sir," I spoke bowing.

"Who is it?"

"You're fiancée, Master," I replied, once again, bowing.

He muttered something before turning back to me, "Tell her I'll be there in a minute. There's something I want to finish first."

"Of course, Master," I responded before walking out his office and back to the foyer, where his fiancée was waiting.

"Lady Jones, ma'am. Master Kirkland is in his study at the moment, he'll be out in a moment, ma'am. Is there anything I can get you?" I asked, curtsying to her.

"Oh yeah, you got any food?!"

"Of course, ma'am. What can I get for you?"

"You got any burgers?!"

"Not at the moment, ma'am but I can make one if you would like me to."

"You're the best, little dudette!" she replied before grabbing me and messing my hair up. I resister the urge to grumble. And sucked it up.

"Amelia, please get off of my maid. It's not lady-like to do something like that!" I turned to the voice to see Master Kirkland standing there. I breathed a sigh of relief as Lady Jones let me go, "Woah, sorry about that, Dudette!"

"Perfectly fine, ma'am."

"Yo, I just had the best idea, Artie! You should hold a ball!" Lady Jones shouted running up and tackling Master Kirkland in a hug, "I missed you!"

"Y-yeah. It's good to see you too," Master Kirkland replied, awkwardly patting her back. I smiled at the scene, "Is there anything I can get for you, Master Kirkland?"

"Not at the moment, (Y/n). You're dismissed for now."

"Yes Master," I replied before walking off to my room to take a break.


It was a few hours later when I took Master Kirkland's tea up to him. I knocked on the door to his study, "Master Kirkland, I have your tea for you."

"Come in."

I opened the door and entered, closing it behind me before walking to his desk and placing the tea on it. I stood back waiting for him to dismiss me. I was confused when he didn't, "(Y/n), I need your help with something."

"Whatever you need, Master Kirkland, I will be happy to help."

"What do I do? I don't want to disappoint Lady Jones by not holding a ball but then again, I don't really want to hold a ball."

"Forgive me for asking this Master, but can you actually ballroom dance?" I asked. His head shot in my direction before turning away from me, "W-well, I-I... No, I never learned."

"If you'll permit me to help, Master. I could teach you. I've been to a few balls myself, before that incident," I shivered at the memory of my parents' death.

"Y-you would?"

I nodded, "If it's okay with you, Master Kirkland."

"I-I would be grateful for your help, (Y/n)." I smiled, "I'll be back in a minute."

I ended up teaching him how to waltz as well as some other ballroom dances. This took the whole afternoon and by the time we'd finished, both of our faces were red from exhaustion, well his was anyway (Oh, sweet sweet Reader-Chan, you a greatly mistaken), mine was red because I was blushing from being so close to him.

"Thank you, (Y/n). You are dismissed for the night."

I nodded and hurried out of his study, back to my room before collapsing onto my bed, Stupid (Y/n)! You can't fall for him! He's your master!


After (Y/n) retreated from my study, I collapsed onto my desk chair. I put my hand to my cheek, to feel that they were burning hot. God, what is wrong with me? I must be coming down with something. I had a doctor come in to see if I was okay.

"You don't have a temperature, Sir. I don't see anything else wrong with you either."

"Okay, thank you anyway. You are dismissed."

"Of course, sir," the doctor replied before leaving my room. I got changed before getting into bed. What is wrong with me then?... Oh, God. I realised something:

I had fallen in love with (Y/n).

The redness and heat on my face earlier was blush!? Oh no... There's no way she'd feel the same though. Why are you feeling like this? You have a fiancée already! But I don't love Amelia. I love (Y/n). She's your maid! You shouldn't feel like this! But the heart wants what it wants. I decided: I would tell (Y/n) in the morning.


I woke up the next day and as usual, (Y/n) knocked on my door, "Master Kirkland, it's time to wake up."

"Okay, thank you, (Y/n)," I replied.

"You're welcome, Master Kirkland. Your breakfast is on the dining table for when you're ready."

"Thank you, (Y/n). Can you wait in the dining room for me? I would like a word with you."

"Y-yes, Master Kirkland."

I heard her footsteps retreating and I got up. I got dressed before walking to the dining room to see (Y/n) standing there waiting. I smiled at her and blushed before turning away. I walked to my chair before sitting down and starting to eat. I looked up to see (Y/n) standing there waiting, a nervous look on her face. I smiled at her and she blushed, looking down at the floor.

"(Y/n), come here."

Her head shot up and she walked over to me, shaking with nerves, "Y-yes, Master Kirkland?"

"(Y/n), there's no need to be nervous. I'm not mad at you." I noticed her calm down and I continued, "Sit."



I nodded and sat down in a nearby chair, "Yes, Master Kirkland?"

"(Y/n), I want to tell you something. I-I've fallen in love with you."

My eyes widened, What?! This can't be happening! "A-Are you for real?"

"Yes, (Y/n). I love you."

My face lit up, "I-I love you too! But this is wrong though! I'm just a maid and you're already engaged."

"(Y/n), I never told you what was said to me when you were dropped off at my door, did I?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to cut a long story short, I was told that you're a lady and I wasn't to tell you in case you tried to get away from me."

"W-What?! But, it still doesn't stop the fact that you're engaged!"

"I can call that off, (Y/n). I don't even love her anyway. I love you."


He nodded before taking my chin in his hand, "May I?" I nodded and he leaned in, kissing me softly. I smiled into it and wrapped my arms around his neck.

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