Divided Love (England x Reader)

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Harry Potter AU. I had this idea for a while btw so it will probably suck.

For this, England is in Slytherin and the reader is in Hufflepuff (Sorry if you're not, it's for the story)


"Hello, Love. Would you mind if I sat here? All the other compartments are full." I looked up at the boy who'd spoken before nodding, "Of course, I don't mind."

"Thank you, Love. Arthur Kirkland," he replied sticking his hand out for me to shake. I smiled and shook his hand, "(Y/n) (L/n)."

Throughout the train journey, we talked about random things and our predictions of our houses.

"As long as I don't have that frog in my house I'll be happy."

"What do you mean, Arthur?"

"What I mean is there's someone else that I know who's going to be in our year and I hope that he won't be in my house."

"That makes sense. What house do you think you'll be in?"

"I'm honestly not too sure, Love. What about you?"

"Probably Hufflepuff to be honest," I answered.


We were separated during the sorting ceremony; Me in Hufflepuff and Arthur in Slytherin. However, over the years, we still managed to spend time with each other as friends. However, it was one specific Quidditch match that changed this...


"(Y/n)! Look out!"

I didn't have enough time to get out the way before a bludger knocked me off of my broom. I fell to the ground, unconscious.


When I woke up, I was lying in a bed in the hospital wing. I looked around before noticing Madame Pomfrey putting flowers in a vase. I smiled, knowing they must have come from my friends. I then spotted Arthur, asleep in a chair beside my bed and I smiled again, "Madame Profrey, how long has Arthur been here for?"

She turned around to look at me, "Miss (L/n), you're awake. And to answer your question he's been there since the match. Which was three days ago." I smiled again, "Wow," before starting to stroke Arthur's hair, eventually waking him up, "(Y/n), you're awake! You're okay, right?"

I giggled at his worry, "Artie, come here," I spoke patting the bed.

He looked over to Madame Pomfrey before gaining a nod in return. He stood up and walked up to my bedside before sitting down on it. I smiled again and placed a hand on his cheek, "I love you, Arthur."

His eyes widened and I immediately retraced my hand, turning away from him, silent tears falling from my eyes, "I know you don't like me back, I just thought I'd tell you. You know to get it off my chest."

I then felt a hand on my cheek, guiding my head up, "That's where you're wrong, Love." I was shoed at this but before I could reply, he had kissed me. It was now my turn to go wide-eyed but I soon melted into it, kissing him back.

"Well well well. You finally told her, Artie! I'm proud." Arthur immediately got off me and I looked to see both Vlad and Lukas standing in the 'doorway', Lukas setting off a party popper with his normal, expressionless face and Vlad squealing like a girl, "I'm proud of you!"

"Will you two wankers get out?!"

I turned to see Arthur, looking incredibly pissed. He stood up before proceeding to chase the two, well, really Vlad, Lukas got out of the way and left himself, out of the hospital wing. I giggled to myself before seeing another face appearing in the doorway, "Bella, can I-a come in?"

"Of course, Feli."

He smiled and entered, "How-a are you feeling?"

"I'm great. I have a boyfriend now."

This caught his attention, "Did you-a finally tell him?!" I nodded, "Yes. I did."

His smile widened and he came up hugging me, "Congratulations, Bella!" I smiled back and returned the hug, "Thanks Feli. Now, the minute I get out of this bed, I'm going to work on getting you and Ludwig together!"

He shot off of me and his face reddened, "Bella! What-a are you-a talking about?!"

"Come on, Feli. I know you like him."

"Sí, I do but Lovino hates him so there's no way it could-a ever-a work," he replied looking down sadly.

"Feli, look at me" he did so and I continued, "If Lovino won't allow it, then I'll make sure to tickle him until he lets it happen."

"Really? Thank-a you, Bella!"

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