(Kitten! Italy Brothers x Cat! Reader)

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Includes GerIta shipping (Sorry, I had to)


"Do jou vant to go out?" my owner asked looking down at me. I was pawing and scratching at the door to go outside. I stopped clawing the door and rubbed against his leg, meowing. He laughed and opened the door for me. I purred and ran outside, eager to get some fresh air. I walked around the city for a while until I heard quiet mewing. My cat instincts kicked in and I followed the sound, to see two tiny kittens hiding in an alleyway. They were mewing loudly and it made my heart break. Why would you leave tiny kittens alone? I approached them and noticed their coats were all dirty. I looked around for a second to see if anyone was around before picking up one of the kittens and placing it on my back, taking the other one by the scruff. I ran home, being careful not to drop either kitten.

When I got back, I brought the two kittens to my cat-bed and placed them down. They tried to escape, but I stopped them by keeping them down with my paw. I started to lick them clean before my owner walked up to me, "Hey, Germany! (Y/n) has got a bambino! Due bambini!" I looked up at my owner before returning to licking the two kittens.

"Vat are jou talking about, Italy? She hasn't even-Vat ze?! Zhere did zey come from?!"

"I-a don't know, Germany!"

I finished licking the first kitten and let that one go before pulling the other kitten towards me. Unlike the other one, this one tried to get away from me. However, I just pawed it's head and it calmed down lying down on my bed. I smiled and started to lick it clean.


A few minutes later, both of the kittens were cleaned. One of my owners walked up to my basket, where I was lying with the two kittens and tried to pick on of them up. This alarmed me and I hissed at him.

"(Y/n), calm down. I'm not goin to hurt zem. We're just going to take zem to ze vet."

I continued to protect the kittens and hissed at my owner again.

"Listen, (Y/n). You can come vith us. If you let us take zem to ze vet."

I stood up and nuzzled against his leg before walking to the door and pawing at it. A few minutes later, the door was opened and I ran outside. My owner opened the car door and I jumped up onto the back seat, snuggling into the blanket that was placed on the back seat specially for me. The kittens were placed on the blanket next to me and they snuggled into me. My owners both got in the front seat and we were off.


Some time later, we arried at the vet. One of my owners took me in their arms and the other took the two kittens. They brought us into the vet and sat down. I purred and made myself comfortable on his lap.


We soon got home and I snuggled with the two kittens in my bed, ready for sleep.


This is a load of complete shit. I thought of this idea and it went downhill.

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