(Austria x Reader)

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Please, I need a title for this. If you can think of one (Or any for the other chapters that don't have titles, please tell me!) This randomly came to me while I was trying to get to sleep. Don't judge. Also, this is a High School AU.

Also, I'm not doing anyone accents.


"(Y/n), you'll be fine. You have nothing to worry about. You were happy about this match before. Why now have you changed your mind?" my best friend Elizabeta asked me.

"I-I don't want to tell you why. You'll think differently of me," I replied looking down at my feet. The two of us were in the changing room before our first lacrosse match of the season. Unfortunately it was against my old school, meaning they would know how to make me angry because I had a really short temper.

"(Y/n), you'll be fine."

There was then a knock on the door. "Come in." The door to the changing room opened to reveal Roderich, "I just came to say that the match is starting. You two might want to get out there."

"I-I don't want to play anymore. One of the subs can take my place," I spoke looking down at my feet again.

The next thing I knew, I had an wrapped around me, "(Y/n), what's up? You love larcosse, why should now be any different?"

"I-I don't want to tell you. I-I can't tell you," I replied through choked sobs.

"(Y/n), I won't think different of you. Just tell me."

"Okay, fine. I-I didn't really leave my old school because I needed a fresh start. I-I was expelled."

"Why? I didn't take you to be the type to get expelled."

"Well, someone had said something to me, I can't remember what it was, but it made me angry and I ended up punching them in the nose. I got expelled for it," I answered, now crying more, "I know you're going to think differently of me now. I know you don't like violence. Please, just go and watch the game. I'll be fine here."

"(Y/n), don't talk like that. I don't care what happened at your old school. In fact, I respect you more now."


"What I mean is I've fallen for you."

"Huh?! But why me?"

"Because I did."

I didn't reply but just punched on him and kissed him, "I love you too."

"Remember, (Y/n). You can do this, trust me. Just ignore them. They'll just try to get under your skin," he replied standing upbefore reaching a hand out to me. I gladly accepted it and he pulled me up, before grabbing two things off of the bench and handing them to me, "I think you'll need these." I then realised it was my stick and gumguard. I smiled and kissed him again before putting my gumguard in and running out to the pitch and finding the coach.

"(Oh, (Y/n). You decided to play then?"

"Yep! I had some encouragement," I responded.

The coach then called my sub off. It was perfect timing as we'd just scored a goal so the ball was back in the middle. I ran onto the pitch and took my place as centre, gaining a glare from the other girl, "So, you decided to play? Good luck then."

"Can we just play?"

The ball was placed in between our sticks and the whistle was blown. I caught the ball in my stick before running past the other team, dodging all their attempts to anger me. I passed the ball to one of my teammates, as I'd got caught in a tight situation. 


The match eventually came to a conclusion with us winning 5-2. I was glad we won, and I didn't lose me temper once, gaining the surprise of the whole team from my old school. After we'd done the handshakes, I felt myself being lifted into the air, "I'm proud of you, (Y/n)."

I realised it was Roderich when he spoke. "Can you put me down now?"

"Oh, yeah," he put me down but kept an arm around my waist, "Well done, (Y/n). You kept your cool and won the match as a result."

"Thanks Roddy," I replied pecking his cheek making his face flush red.

------------------TIME SKIP TO PROM NIGHT

"Thank you all for coming. It's now time to announce this year's Prom Queen and King. The votes have been counted up and the results are; Prom Queen is (Y/n) (L/n)," the teacher was cut off by a load of clapping from the other students. I walked up onto the stage and received the crown (I don't know whether this is accurate. I haven't been to a Prom before.) "And our Prom King is Roderich Edelstein." Did they all plan this or something? Working together so we'd both win? I was cut from my thoughts when Roderich wrapped an arm around my waist. He looked to the teacher, who just gave him a microphone in return and whispered something in his ear, that I couldn't hear. Roderich then turned back to me.

"(Y/n), I just wanted to say that I love you so much and we've been dating for three years, but I want to take our relationship a step further, in asking you to become my wife. (Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?" he asked getting down on one knee and producing a ring.

"Yes! Of course I will!" I replied, trying not to let the happy tears fall.

He stood up and placed the ring on my finger, kissing me. "I love you."

"I love you too, Roderich, so much. Much more than you know."

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