The Winner Takes It All (Cheater! Prussia x Singer! Spain's Sister! Reader)

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"Thank you all! Remember, I'll be back with another concert next month!" I spoke into the microphone. I'd just finished a concert and I walked off stage back to my dressing room. I packed everything up before heading home. I was excited to see my boyfriend again as we hadn't had much time to spend with each other due to me being busy. I walked back home with a smile on my face, however, that changed into a concerned look when I found the front door unlocked and open. That's odd, Gilbert doesn't usually leave the door unlocked let alone open. He may have been messy, but he was really superstitious. After I took my shoes off, I looked into the living room, where I expected Gilbert to be, to see him... making out with Elizabeta. I gasped, tears coming to my eyes, "GILBERT BEILSCHMIDT! HOW COULD YOU!" I shouted. They broke off when I shouted and turned towards me.

"Liebe, please. Hear me out."

"Why should I?! You know, Gil, cheating is NOT an 'awesome' thing to do!" I shouted back again, "I-I need some time, Gilbert, I'm going to stay with my brother for a while. DON'T try to contact me."

I then walked up to our shared room and got all my clothes from the drawers and wardrobe before walking back downstairs and out the door, my guitar on my back. I ran the whole way to my brother's house and knocked, praying that he'd still be awake. The minute the door opened, I flung myself into his arms and sobbed. I soon felt him petting my hair, "Shh. WHat's wrong, (Y/n)? Come on, tell me."

I snivelled and looked up at him, "I caught Gilbert cheating on me, Toni. Is my old room still set up?" he nodded and I thanked him before dashing off upstairs to my old room. Before I entered, "If you need me, I'll be writing a song. Also, if Gilbert comes round, tell him to fuck off for me will you?" With that said, I closed the door to my room and sat on my bed, letting all my emotions come out in the song.


I grabbed my guitar and walked out of the house after saying goodbye to Toni. I had another concert and I was going to premiere my new song. I walked to the concert stage that was set up in the park and got everything ready. By the time I had finished setting everything up, it was time for the show to start. I took a deep breath and took the microphone, "Hello! Thank you all for coming. You picked a good day to come because I'm going to be premiering my new song! If you don't know, I recently caught my boyfriend cheating on me so, I want him to know that this song is dedicated to him.

I don't wanna talk

About things we've gone through

Though it's hurting me

Now it's history

I've played all my cards

And that's what you've done too

Nothing more to say

No more ace to play

The winner takes it all

The loser's standing small

Beside the victory

That's her destiny

I was in your arms

Thinking I belonged there

I figured it made sense

Building me a fence

Building me a home

Thinking I'd be strong there

But I was a fool

Playing by the rules

The gods may throw a dice

Their minds as cold as ice

And someone way down here

Loses someone dear

The winner takes it all (Takes it all)

The loser has to fall (Has to fall)

It's simple and it's plain (It's so plain)

Why should I complain (Why complain)

But tell me does she kiss

Like I used to kiss you

Does it feel the same

When she calls your name?

Somewhere deep inside

You must know I miss you

But what can I say

Rules must be obeyed

The judges will decide (Will decide)

The likes of me abide (Me abide)

Spectators of the show (Of the show)

Always staying low (Staying low)

The game is on again (On again)

A lover or a friend (Or a friend)

A big thing or a small (Big or)

The winner takes it all (Small)

I don't wanna talk

If it makes you feel sad

And I understand

You've come to shake my handI apologize

If it makes you feel bad

Seeing me so tense

No self-confidence

But you see

The winner takes it all

The winner takes it all

So the winner takes it all

And the loser has to fall

Throw a dice, cold as ice

Way down here, someone dear

Takes it all, has to fall

And it's plain, I complain."

Once I'd finished, I did some of my other songs before finishing the concert and walking back to my dressing room. While I was there, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal the one person I didn't want to see, "What the actual fuck are you doing here, Gilbert?!"

"Listen, Liebe-"

"DON'T call me that."

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. She forced it on me! I had no choice!"

"'No choice' my arse, Gilbert! Out of my sight!"

It was then that there was another knock at my dressing room door, "Who is it this time?!"

"(Y/n), it's me."

I growled before allowing Elizabeta entry. She walked in, "(Y/n), Gilbert's telling the truth. I'm sorry. I did force it on him."

"Truthfully?" I asked, sceptical to believe her.

"Truthfully, (Y/n). I'm sorry."

"I'll believe you. Gilbert, come here." He gulped before approaching me. I grabbed his collar and pulled him into me, kissing him, "I love you and still do."

"I love you too, Liebe."

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