"Alfred, no!" (England x Reader)

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Don't worry! I am working on the request I currently have but, I just thought of this and I had to write it. Seriously, if I didn't do it now, I'd forget it. It happened already, I had an idea yesterday, and I forgot-Wait, nevermind, I remember it now...


"Come, on Dudette! It will be fun!"

"Alfred, I already told you; I'm not coming with you to the bar!"

"Why?! You know, there's someone I know that will get drunk easier than you! So you won't be the first!"


"That is classified information, Dudette! Please?" he asked with puppy eyes. Look away, (Y/n). Look aw- "Fine. One drink."


Surprisingly, the ''one drink' thing, worked. The only thing I had was a small beer. However, it didn't stop me from egging Ludwig and Gilbert on to have a drinking contest. it did get boring eventually though, ending with the two brothers passed out with their heads on the table.

"Am I Catholic or Protestant? God I don't know."

Well, Arthur's drunk... "You doing okay there Bud?" I asked.


I giggled at his reply before signalling to Alfred, "I'm going to take Arthur home. Please don't do anything stupid."

"Alright, Dudette! Have fun!" he replied with a wink, making my face go red. I turned back to Arthur and lifted him out of the chair he was sitting in. I wrapped his arm around my should and held it there with one arm, wrapping my other arm around his waist, "Come on, Arthur. Let's get you home."


I managed to get him home and unlocked his front door. (Don't ask where I got the key from - He gave me his spare key, well actually Alfred gave it to me, seeing as he prefered to go through the window.) I managed to get him up to his room and put him to bed. I was going to leave the room and get a glass of water for when he woke up but, I felt him grab my waist, "Where are you going, Love?"

"Arthur, you're drunk."

"No, I'm not. Stay."

"Arthur, again, you're drunk. Now let go of me," I replied trying to get out of his grip, and failing.

"Please, stay."

My face lit up, "Fine." He let me go and I snuggled myself under the blanket with him before I felt his arms around my waist again. My face lit up, knowing he'd be confused in the morning.


I was woken up to a shriek, "What are you doing in my bed?!"

"You pulled me in here, Arthur. You kept insisting I stay. Nothing happened by the way."

"You know, this is nice, Love."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I-I've had a crush on you for a while, Love and you know something?"


"I wasn't actually drunk last night. I only acted like it, so you could take me back. I knew you wouldn't get drunk and... I'm sorry."

"Arthur you have nothing to be sorry for."

"Wh-" I shut him up by turning over and kissing him, "It's okay, I love you too."

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