(Cat! Austria x Cat! Reader)

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For a few weeks, I had been gaining weight and sleeping more. It got to the point where both my owners and my mate were starting to get worried about me.

"Ve should take her to ze vet though. Zhis is abnormal for her."

"Jou're right."

I was snuggled up with my mate, who was currently licking my head. I growled under my breath as he was literally treating me like a kitten. I had soon had enough and pawed him in the face before walking off towards one of my owners. She picked me up before I was placed in a box. I knew fine well what was coming but I was used to it by now. I soon felt myself being picked up and carried somewhere, I guessed was the car.


Sometime later, we arrived and I felt myself being picked up again, "Come on, (Y/n)." I smiled (To the extent that cats can) and snuggled into my owner. They carried me into the vet and I was quite content as I knew that the vet wouldn't hurt me and I was perfectly safe. A few minutes later, I was placed onto a table and the door to my cat-box was opened. I walked out and stretched before lying down on the table.


"So, vat's vong viz her zen?"


"Zen vy has zhe gained veight?"

"That's because she's pregnant. She'll be having kittens in a few weeks."

Both my owners' eyes widened, "Vat?!" The vet nodded. My box was placed back onto the table and I walked back in, settling down and going back to sleep.


"Hey-a Ludwig, look-a at all the gattini! They're-a so cute!" I growled at the male and huddled the kittens closer to me before starting to lick them. The male squeaked before running off. I 'smirked' protectively before feeling my head being licked. Once I realised it was my mate, I pawed him in the face, "I'm not the kitten here." (Btw, to the humans/your owners, this would come out as meowing)

"Ja, but I'm just caring for jou, (Y/n). Jou did vell wiz zose kittens."

I 'smiled' before leaning on him, letting the kittens feed, me falling asleep in the process.

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