Truth or Dare (Austria x Reader)

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I am getting to the request I have, it's just I thought of this one and I keep forgetting it and remembering it so I need to write it and if I write the request, I will most likely forget this (And the next) idea.

I'm also not typing out anyone's accents (Except the Italy brothers). The last time I tried to create a German accent for this book, Grammarly kept auto correcting the words and it's annoying. If anyone know how to turn off Grammarly's auto correct please tell me! 


"Come on, Dudes! Let's play truth or dare!"

"Alfed, the last time we played that, it ended with a drunk Arthur making-out with Francis on the sofa and I don't think any of us want to see that again," I replied.

"Fine then, Dudette. No alcohol then? That way no one can get drunk!"

"If you mean that, I'm in," I answered.

Everyone else agreed, most somewhat reluctantly and we sat in a circle in the living room.

"Arthur, truth or dare?" I asked.


"Okay, hug Francis."

"Fine," he replied standing up and walking to the other side of the circle where Francis was sitting because they didn't want to be anywhere near each other before hugging him from behind, "Satisfied?"

"Yep! You can sit back down now and ask someone."

"Okay," he replied sitting back down, "Gilbert, truth or dare?"


"Let Gilbird sit on someone else's head for the rest of the game."

"What?!" he shrieked, holding Gilbird tightly to him.

"You gotta do it, Dude! It's a dare."

"Fine." He stood up and walked across the circle to me. I then felt a small weight on my head and he retreated back to his seat, "There. Happy?"

"So, you trust (Y/n) more than your own brother?"

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?"


"Good. West, truth or dare?"


(Sorry, I'm making them all say dare. I can't think of any truths at the moment. Probable because it's only ten past seven in the morning where I am.)

"Let Feliciano sit on your lap for the rest of the game."

I noticed Feli's face light up at this. I knew he had a crush on Ludwig and this was good bonding for them.

"Fine, come here."

Feli perked up and hopped on his lap with ease as they were already sitting next to each other. I fell asleep for a while on Roderich's shoulder, as I was sitting next to him, until something caught my interest.

"Roderich, truth or dare?"

He rolled his eyes before answering, "Dare. Because I know what you're like with truths, Alfred."

"Okay, kiss your crush."

Roderich's face lit up and I giggled slightly before leaning up and pecking his cheek. This made his face light up more. I giggled again and leant back on his shoulder before he dragged me onto his lap, "I'll do you one better. I'll kiss my girlfriend," before he kissed me. My face lit up before I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you," I whispered into his ear, when we broke off. I sat back down in my spot on the sofa before looking at everyone to see them shocked, "What?"

"Why didn't you tell us you were dating, Dudette?!"

"Because then you'd be teasing us, Alfred," I replied.

"If I'd known, I would have given you a different dare! Oh well, I'll save it for the next time."

--------------------A FEW MONTHS LATER

"Okay Dudes and Dudettes! We're playing Truth or Dare!"

"Fine," we all replied in our native tongue before sitting in a circle on various chairs and sofas in my living room. I leaned my head on Roderich's shoulder as once again, we were sitting next to each other. I noticed that Alfred and Feli both had a smirk/wide grin on their faces but I just left it, thinking they were happy to play.


Time passed and dares had been completed along with a couple of truths but still no one had asked either me or Roderich a question.

"Okay, Roderich, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied immediately. The smirk on Alfred's face grew. He walked over to us and whispered something in Roderich's ear that I couldn't hear before sitting back down in his seat, smirking more.

"(Y/n), I have something to ask you."

"Well go on then. You know you can ask me anything, Roddy," I replied.

"I am going to ignore the nickname. So, we've been dating for two years and I love you so much so, I was wondering," he paused and took something out of his pocket before kneeling on one knee in front of me, "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I blurted out without a second thought. He sat back up on the sofa and placed the ring on my finger before kissing me. We broke off to see almost everyone with a smirk plastered on their faces, "Did you all plan this?" I asked with a knowing look towards Alfred.

"Totally didn't!"

"Sure, I don't believe you."

----------------------A FEW MORE MONTHS LATER

"(Y/n) truth or dare?"

"Truth," I replied.

"Have you and Roderich, you know done 'it' yet?"

Arthur literally spit his tea out, "What sort of question is that, you bloody frog?!" My face had lit up the same colour as one of Antonio's tomatoes by this point and I saw that Roderich's face was the same colour.

"If you really want the truth, then you're going to have to wait six months," I replied, again, leaning on Roderich's shoulder, smiling softly and rubbing my stomach, "That's all I'll say."

"You mean?"

"Yes, I'm pregnant."


"Two questions, first; What's the gender? and second; What are you going to call them?"

"Well, it's too early to tell the gender actually but, we've decided on Lousia and Marta for girls and Friedrich and Kurt for boys."

"Why do you say 'and'? Do you not mean 'or'?"


"What do you mean then?"

"I mean what I said. It's going to be twins. That's why I said, 'and'."




"I'm hungry!"

"Well get some food then."

"Aren't you supposed to be looking after me? You were the one that said I had to limit my movement."

"I can't argue with you can I?"


He stood up before walking into the kitchen. I turned back to everyone, "You can all go now, the 'party' is over. And before any of you say anything, we'll tell you all when we find out the gender."

They all stood up before walking out the door, "Bye!" I shouted after them all.


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