Is It Allowed? (England x Axis! Reader)

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I randomly thought of this. MY brain is seriously messed up... I think of oneshots at the strangest of times. (Ps. I am getting to the request I just have like five Ace Attorney oneshots to write as well.)


"hey, Germany can we go and get pasta?"

"Nein! Italy, shut up!"

Again, this was a normal Axis meeting. Italy would go on and on about pasta, Germany would tell him to shut up and Japan would just watch silently. I was in my own world, thinking about my secret boyfriend, that the three of them didn't know about. I eventually got bored of the meeting and texted said boyfriend, "So bored! How are you doing?"

"Pretty much the same, Love. France is being a frog again!"

"Well isn't he always?"

"True, very true."

"Are you getting anything done? Because we're not and I wanna see you."

"No, we're now. Are we gonna skive the meetings?"

"If you're up to it. I know how much you like rules."

"Right now, I want to get away from the frog."

"Okay! I'll meet you outside."

"Okay, Love."

I snuck out of the meeting room after putting my phone in my pocket and made my way to the front of the building, where I saw my boyfriend waiting for me.

"How are you, Love?"

"Good now," I replied pecking him on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."

I giggled and grabbed his arm, dragging him around to the back of the building were there weren't any windows nearby. He got the message and pinned me to the wall, kissing me over and over. This eventually turned into a make-out session and I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling his around my waist.


"So, (C/n) vat do you think about-" Germany cut himself off when he looked around the room only for (C/n) no where to be seen.

"Italy do you know where (C/n) went?"

"No! I do-a not know where the Bella went," I answered.

"I am suddenry concerned for (C/n) safety."

"Hey I have an idea! Let's lure the Bella back with pasta!"

"Italy, not everyone loves pasta as much as you do!"

"Arthough, Itary-san is right. We probabry shourd go and rook for her."

"Si! Japan gets it! Come one Japan! Let's-a go look for-a the Bella!" I grabbed his arm and rand out of the room, "Itary-san, can you ret go of me prease?"

"Sorry, Japan!" I let him go and we continued searching.

"Itary-say, shourd we sprit up?"

"Si! Japan! I'll-a take this-a side and you-a take that side!"


"Alright dudes! It's time to put a fork in this meeting cause it's over! The next allies meeting will be held in Britain right dude?!" I looked around waiting for an answer only to receive none.

"Oh no. We're missing him! Where's he gone! Britain Dude?! You here?" I shouted lifting up the table.

"Ohonhonhon~ looks like Angleterre has left you, mon ami."

"Come on Dudes! We gotta find him!"

"I agree aru."

And with that, the four of us left to look for the dude.


We had been looking for a while when we heard footsteps, "Ciao! Have any of you-a seen (C/n)?"

"Non, we haven't in face Angleterre is missing as well."

"Do you think they could be together, aru?"

Just then there was the sound of a phone going off. Italy pipped up and took his phone out of his pocket, "Ciao! Japan!"


"Itary-san. I found (C/n). But I want you to see this."

"Okay, Japan! Where-a are you?"

"Outside the building round the back but hurry prease."

"Okay!" I hung up and ran off.

"Italy! Where are you going?!"

"Japan's found them!" They all came running after me and we went to the back of the building.


"I love you, I hope you know that."

"I love you too, Love."

I giggled before kissing him again. We were lost in the moment that we didn't realise that we'd been surrounded until, "Ohonhonhonhonhon~ What do we have here?"

We broke off at the sound of the voice and both turned bright red immediately. Japan, Italy and Germany as well as France, America, China and Russia were surrounding us. Most of them confused, with Italy all happy and France with a smug smirk on his face.

"So, what do we have here?"

"Um well... About that.. We-"

"It's none of your business, Frog!"

"He's not forcing you into this is he, (C/n)? To get information out of you?"

"And she's not doing the same you you, right aru?"

"No! We've never told anyone any secrets like that! Or information!"

"Is this still allowed though? How can we make sure you two aren't secretly giving each other information?"

"Why would we? It would gust hinder ourselves."

"Si! The bella's right!"

"So, how long has this been going on for?"

"Since the American Revolution. (C/n) helped be to get back on my feet again after it and I eventually told her."

"And I'm glad you did before someone else did." 

"What do you mean Love?!"

"Nothing, just saying that it's a good thing you told me before anyone else got me first."

"I love you."

"Love you too. You adorable little Tsundere!"

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