A Birthday to Remember (Russia x Reader)

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I know I'm a day late for his birthday, but I only thought of this today. Happy late Birthday, Russia!


Okay, I think I have everything. I did one last check making sure I had everything I needed before I left the house, making sure to lock the door after myself. Where was I going? I was going over to Ivan's house as it was his birthday, so I wanted to surprise him. I'd painted a picture of him and his sisters for him and I was nervous about whether he'd like it or not. Anyway, I soon arrived and knocked on the door to his house.

The door was soon opened and behind it stood Tolys, who greeted me, "Hello, (Y/n). What brings you here today?"

"It's Ivan's birthday so I came over to give him his gift!"

"O-Oh, in you come then," he replied letting me into the house. I smiled and entered, "Where is he?"

"Sunflower? What brings you here?"

I turned towards the living room to see Ivan emerging from behind the wall, "Happy Birthday!" I squeaked, pulling the wrapped gift out from behind my back, "Here." He smiled his sweet smile and walked up to me, "For me, Da?"

"Who else would it be for, Ivan? It is your birthday."

He smiled again and took it, "Follow me, Sunflower." I nodded and followed him into the living room, where he sat down on the sofa, "Come sit Sunflower." I smiled and sat down next to him, "Open it."

He nodded and proceeded to unwrap the gift I'd given him. Once he'd got the paper off and looked at the painting, he turned to me, "You paint this, Da?"

I nodded, "I did, I hope you like it, Ivan."

"Sunflower, I love it. Thank you. No one has ever done this for me before."

I felt so bad, "What do you mean, Ivan? Surely the others have given you gifts for your birthday."

He shook his head, "Net, no one else has come over. It's just you and me Sunflower." The sight of him looking down at the ground, a single tear falling down his cheek, was enough to break my heart, "Ivan, you don't deserve any of this. I don't understand. There's absolutely nothing to fear about you."

"Do you really mean that, Sunflower?"

I nodded, "Of course I do Ivan. No one deserves what you have to live with. Come on, for the whole day, I'll do whatever you want with you. How does that sound?"

"I would like that, Sunflower."

"Right then, what are we going to first?"


And so, I spent the whole day with Ivan. We did a load of things that he'd always wanted to do as well as playing a game of Monopoly. My speciality, so, naturally, I won, although Ivan did come close, there's no beating (Y/n) in Monopoly.

"Well, I better get going, Ivan. It was great to spend your birthday with you and I'd love to make this an annual thing," I spoke, standing on the doorstep of Ivan's house, ready to leave.

"Thank you, Sunflower."

I smiled and waved bye to him, "Well, I'll see you at the next World Meeting Ivan, bye."

"Goodbye, Sunflower."

My smile increased and I proceeded to walk down the path. I was about halfway when I remembered something. I turned around and ran back up to the door of his house, "IVAN! Wait!" He turned around and opened the door again, just in time for me to jump up and peck his cheek, "Happy Birthday," I spoke, my face red. Why did I do that?! He's going to hate me now.


"Yes, Ivan?"

"I know one thing that would make the Birthday really one to remember."

"What would that be, Ivan?" I asked, my face increasing the whole time.

"Become one with Mother Russia, da?"

If my face wasn't already the colour of one of Antonio's tomatoes, then it was now, "I-Ivan, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Da, Я тебя люблю, Sunflower."

I giggled, "Ivan, I don't speak Russian."

"Oh, right. I love you, Sunflower."

I smiled widely. I'd been waiting to hear those three words come out of his mouth for so long. I couldn't hold it back anymore and I pounced on him, "I love you too!" I squeaked, kissing him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"This is the best birthday ever, Sunflower."

"I'm glad I could make that happen, Ivan,2 I smiled up at him before getting on my tiptoes and kissing him again.

-----------------Extended ending (Slight lime)

It was another World Meeting, this time being held in my country. Due to this, I was the first one there. I smiled and sat down in my seat, waiting for the other countries to arrive. What I didn't expect though, was for Ivan to be the first one to arrive, "Привет, Sunflower."

"Hello to you too, Ivan. How are you?" I asked, standing up and walking over to him. I pulled him down to my level before kissing him.

"I've been great, Sunflower. What about you? You good, Da?"

"Never been better," I replied, kissing him again. He then picked me up and put me on his shoulder, carrying me over to the table in the middle of the room, that we used for the meetings. He placed me down on the table so that I was on my back. He then leaned down and kissed me again, his hands wandering all over my body. His lips left mine and he started trailing kisses down my neck.


Thankfully, before it could go any further, the door was burst open, "Dudes! The Hero has arri-Russia Dude, what you doing to (C/n)?! Don't worry, Dudette! The hero will save you!" Alfred shouted, running up to us, only to fall over on the ground, holding his head, "Ow. What was that for?"

"Oh shut it, you know fine well, why. You git. Now leave (Y/n) alone. I have to go and annoy Francypants." And with that said, Scarlett was off, away to probably annoy Francis or to watch him with the metal pipe that Ivan had given her. I turned back to the Russian and pecked his cheek, "I'm glad you gave that pipe to Scarlett. It saves me beating the absolute shit out of America myself."

"Well, she needs to defend herself, Da? So, I just helped with that."

"I love you, Ivan."

"I love you too, Sunflower."


Again, happy late birthday Russia! 

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