The 18th Day of HetaChristmas - Prussia

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So, for once, I actually thought of this idea myself! Yay! Here we go. Ze Awesome Prussia has waited too long for his day, so I'm going to give it to him now! Also, in this, you're Veneziano and Romano's sister. (Cause I can and I'm the awesome author who wrote this awesome story!)


"Please-a Sorella? You-a have to-a come!"

"Feli, please, I-a just don't feel like-a celebrating Christmas this year," I replied to my brother.

"Why, Sorella? Christmas is-a great!"

"Okay, Feli. I'll come," I finally agreed.

"Great-a! Thank you-a Sorella!" he squeaked, grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs, where he also grabbed Lovino's hand, before dragging the two of us outside, "Come on-a! We're-a going to-a be late!"

"Late for what-a exactly, Feli?"

"Ludwig's Christmas party, Sorella!"


It was a few hours later and most of the world was drunk, (Basically everyone apart from me, Feli, Alfred and a few others.) I was sitting on the sofa in the German brothers' house slowly sipping on some orange juice that I'd managed to grab when Feliciano had dragged me out of the house, with Feli's head on my lap, him asleep. Alfred was annoying a drunk Arthur and Francis was sitting watching, also drunk off of his ass. However, before I could look around to see what everyone else was doing, there was a drunk Prussian in front of me, "Hallo Frau."

"Ciao, Gilbert. How-a are you-a?"

"I'm great, Frau. Vat about jou?"

"I'm good too."

"Frau, can I tell jou somezing?"

"Of-a course you-a can, Gilbert."

"Jou know, Frau, Gilbert has a massive crush on jou. He told me not to tell jou, but I just told jou. Please don't tell him zat I told jou, zough."

My face flared up, "Come on-a, Gilbert, I-a know that you're-a drunk right now, you-a need to-a get to-a bed," I replied, lifting up Feli's head gently and replacing my lap with one of the cushions that was on the sofa before standing up and bringing Gilbert, somehow, up to his room. When I did, I got him on his bed and tucked him in. I smiled and leaned down into his ear, "Don't tell Gilbert, but I-a love him too." before walking back out the room, however, I was called back, "Frau, stay viz ze awesome me."

I smiled again and walked back, closing the door behind me, and getting on his bed with him, "I-a love you, Gil."

"Ich liebe dich, Frau."


The next day, I was woken up by a girly sounding scream. I also heard a thump on the ground, "Ow, vy does ze world do zis to ze awezome me?"

"Gil, you-a okay?"

"Frau, vy are jou in my bed?"

My face heated up, "You-a really don't remember anything about last-a night, Gil?"

"Nein, I don't," he answered, getting up off of the floor and back onto his bed.

"Well, you-a got drunk, alike most people, but-a you-a said, and I-a quote 'Gilbert has a massive crush on you-a. He told me not to tell you-a, but I-a just told you-a. Please don't tell him that I-a told you-a, though.' Is that true, Gilbert?"

"Ja, I-Ich liebe dich, Frau."

"Ti amo, Gil. I-a love you-a too," I replied, leaning in and kissing him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist and pulled me closer to him, kissing me back.

"I'm-a happy for you, Sorella! You-a finally told him!"

I broke off at the sound of Feli's voice and turned to the doorway to see him standing there, a Santa hat on his head, Lovino standing next to him, a grumpy expression on his face, and wearing an elf hat, also waving an Italian flag around, slowly. I giggled, "I'm-a glad too, ti amo, Gilbert."

"Ich liebe dich auch, Frau."


"Great, now I-a owe that Tomato Bastard money," Lovino spoke up, turning and walking away, presumably to go and give money to Antonio.

However, it took me a second to register what he'd said, "LOVINO VARGAS! GET-A YOUR ASS IN-A HERE AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU-A MEAN!" Feli shot off, not wanting to be caught in my wrath.

A few minutes later, once Gilbert had wrapped an arm around me, there were footsteps coming towards the room, "Chica, what did you want Lovi for?"

"I-a told you to stop calling me that, Tomato Bastard!"

"Well, I-a actually, wanted both-a of you-a. Antonio, why does my brother owe you-a money?"

"Well, you see, chica. We bet on who would make the first move. And I'm guessing that because, Lovi's the one that owes me money, that you were the first to make a move."

"Yeah, I was, in a sober state. Gilbert actually confessed last night, while he was drunk off of his ass."

"I had to claim jou before anyone else did, Frau."

"I-a know, Gil, and I-a love you too."


One week til Christmas! Aka, one week until Finland day! Also, if you haven't worked it out by now, I've got a surprise/special oneshot for Christmas day. (Will be written probably on Christmas Eee though, as I will be seeing my grandparents (with social distancing) on Christmas Day do I won't have time to write it then). Tomorrow's character: Latvia!

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