Birthday Special - Japan

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happy Birthday Japan!


I smiled as I stood in front of the door of Kiku's house, my brothers as well as most of the rest of the world, standing behind me, waiting patiently.

"Come on, dudette! Just knock already! It's freezing!"

"Oh shut it, you git! You should have brought a coat! She'll do it in her own time!"

"What's got you so worked up, Black Sheep of Europe?"

"Oh shut it, Frog Face!" With that said, Arthur and Francis started their daily fighting and 'strangling' each other. Metaphorically strangling each other as they couldn't physically kill each other due to countries being immortal. Anyway, I finally knocked on the door of Kiku's house, now starting to fell the cold myself. It was soon opened by the Japanese male I'd grown a crush on.


My younger brother, Feliciano was the first to reply, running up to him and hugging him, "Japan! Happy birthday!"

"Itary-san, prease. Personar space."

I rolled my eyes and pulled my brother off of him, "Feli, say sorry."

"I'm-a sorry, Japan. I-a just wanted to say happy birthday."

"It's okay, Italy-say. Just remember for next time okay?"

"Sí!" Kiku then invited us all in and we all entered, taking our shoes off and saying 'Happy Birthday' to him in our native tongues. We all walked into the living room and as usual, Alfred was the first to make a comment, "Yo, Dude, where's your fire? I was freezing my berries off outside because someone was taking too long to knock!" The last sentence was directed at me. I pounced on him and knocked the American to the floor, "You-a want to go do you-a?! Why you-a little Bastardo! I-a will-" unfortunately, my rant was stopped by a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n), leave him alone."

"He-a deserves it though-a!"

"Gott, jou're just like jour brozer."

"What's that-a supposed to mean, damn potato bastard!?" I tried to contain my giggling as I heard Lovino shouting at Ludwig.


A few minutes later, both me and Lovi had been calmed down by Ludwig and Antonio respectively and we could finally celebrate Kiku's birthday the way we had intended to from the start. I smiled and took out the box that I'd brought with me, "Here you-a go, Kiku. Happy Birthday!"

I sat there nervously waiting to see if he'd like it and let's just say, I was not expecting the reaction I got from him. I was knocked onto my back on the sofa with Kiku hugging me. All I gave him was a lily.... (Tell me if you get the 'reference') My face lit up bright red due to my crush on him, but I didn't hug him back, knowing of his personal space thing. Kiku noticed this as he bent down to my ear, whispering, "You know, (Y/n)-chan, you are the exception to my personar space." I smiled at this and returned the hug, much to the surprise of the rest of the world.


A few hours later, most of the other nations had left, leaving just me and my brothers at Kiku's house.

"Come on-a, Sorella!"

"Be quiet, Fratello. Let her talk to-a him!"

I smiled and pushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of place behind my ear, "Well, we better be off, Kiku. It's starting to get dark. I hope you enjoyed your birthday," I spoke as I put my shoes back on. However, before I could walk out the open front door, Kiku grabbed my hand, "Werr, you know what wourd make my birthday better, (Y/n)-chan?" I was confused but before I could ask, he'd pulled me closer to him by my wrist and wrapped his arms around my waist, forcing mine to lie on his chest. I looked away from him to hide my red face, Come on-a, (Y/n), you-a shouldn't be red right now! You're-a Italian for fuck's sake! You should be charming him, not the other way around! I soon felt his hand remove itself from my waist and lift my chin up, "(Y/n)-chan, rook at me prease."

I did, "Y-yes?" Instead of replying, he pulled me even closer to him and kissed me. My face went the same colour aw the red portion of the Italian flag and I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to waste the opportunity to kiss my crush. However, he soon broke off, "You being mine, (Y/n)-chan. Werr, what do you say? Wirr you make my birthday wish come true?"

I smiled, "Of course. I love you too, Kiku," I replied kissing him again.

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