Don't Say Goodbye Just Yet (Italy Veneziano x Dying! Reader)

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I know I said that I wouldn't upset or harm Veneziano again, but I thought of this..... I promise this is the last one.


"I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do, Miss (L/n)."

"It's okay, I understand. These things happen," I replied, walking out of the doctor's clinic and back home, trying to contain the tears.

---------------The next day

"Ciao, Bella!"

"Hey, Feli. How you are today?"

"I'm-a great, Bella! I-a wanted to-a tell you-a something actually. Ti amo, Bella!" I froze up at this. Yes, I did have a crush on him too, but the previous day's news was still in my head and I ran off, giving the bubbly and lovable Italian no response. I ran as fast as I could, knowing that he'd probably be on my tail wanting a response to his confession. When I got home, I ran upstairs and shut myself in my room, completely forgetting to shut the front door behind me. 

A few minutes later, there was a knock at my bedroom door, "Bella are you-a in there? I-a understand if you-a don't love me back, but just-a tell me rather than running off." I bit my lip and felt my stomach tighten. I wanted to do nothing more than open the door and pull Feli into a kiss, telling him I loved him back, but I didn't, knowing that I would die soon and it would leave the Italian that I'd grown to love completely heartbroken. However, before I had the chance to do anything, I heard another familiar voice, "(Y/n), by didn't jou tell us?"

"Why didn't I tell you what?"

"Zat jou vere going to die zoon?"

That grabbed my attention and I flung my bedroom door open, "How'd you know?!" Instead of replying, Ludwig just shoved some papers in my face, "Jou shouldn't have left zese in jour bathroom, (Y/n)." I bit my lip again and turned away from the trio.

"Bella, is it-a true?" I turned to Feli to see him, a sad look on his face and tears brimming his eyes and nodded, "Yes, it's true." I was immediately embraced in a hug from all three of them. When they let me go, I spoke up, "I'm sorry I ran off, I just didn't want to have to explain it to you. I do love you back, Feli, but I don't want you to be heartbroken when I die. So, you should just forget about me and find someone else to love." I'd barely got the whole sentence out when Feli pounced on me and kissed me, "Bella! I-a love you and I-a want to spend every moment you-a have left in this world with you-a." I smiled sadly at this, "Thank you, Feli." I looked up from Feli to see that both Ludwig and Kiku had disappeared, leaving just me and Feli together.


A few days later, I was sitting watching some TV, when I heard the doorbell go off. I paused the film I'd been watching and stood up walking to the door and opening it to reveal Arthur standing behind it, "Hello, (Y/n). I have been informed of your condition and I have come to deliver this to you. It should cure you," he spoke handing me a small glass bottle filled with purple liquid. I smiled slightly and took it from him, "Thank you, Arthur, but how did you know about my condition? I didn't tell anyone apart from that day when... Wait, did either Ludwig or Kiku tell you?"

He nodded, "Yes, (Y/n). Both of them actually they appeared at my house a few days ago and explained it to me."

"Oh, well, thanks for dropping this off, Arthur. Anything else I need to know about this potion that's supposed to cure me?" He shook his head, "Just down it in one, Love, and it'll work." I smiled and nodded as he said bye before walking off back down my front path.


A few more days later, I was back at the doctor's clinic, this time Feli had come with me. The doctor did all the normal tests that they usually did on me and looked confused at the clipboard. I knew why, but Feli didn't, "Excuse me-a. Is there-a something wrong with my-a Bella?"

The doctor snapped out of her daze, "No there's not. That's what's confusing me. You're completely cured, Miss (L/n). You were near death the last time I saw you." I just giggled, "Well, seeing as I'm cured, can I leave now?"

"Of course. I do want you to come back in a few weeks though to make sure."

"Of course." I made another appointment for a few weeks away and left the clinic, Feli's hand wrapped around my waist, "Bella, can I-a ask you something?"

"Of course, Feli. You are my boyfriend now, you can ask me anything."

"Okay, Bella, how did you-a get cured?"

"It must have been magic, Feli. Magic."

"Whatever it was, I'm-a glad. Ti amo, Bella."

"I love you too, Feli."

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