"I will never forget you!" (Canada x Reader)

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I've had this one in my head for a while but I didn't know whether to request it to another author or start my own Hetalia oneshot book. As you can see, I decided to create my own book.


"I have a feeling we're missing someone," England spoke before we could start the meeting.

"Yeah? Really dude!? The last time you did this you called a false alarm!"

"Shut up! You bloody wanker!"

"Enough! For once England's right! We are missing someone!"

"Huh? Vhat do you mean (C/n)?"

"Oh my God! How long will it take you to learn?! Canada? Remember?! Anyone?!"

Everyone looked between each other confused, "Who?!"

"Oh for the love of God!" I shouted walking back out the room. How in the world can they keep forgetting him?! Canada is as much of a country as England or Germany!

"Canada! Canada where are you?!" I ran throughout the whole building looking for him.


"Hey, Germany. Should we go after her?"

"Nein, Italy. She just needs to cool down, ja?"

"Why does she get so worked up about it anyway?"

"Hey I know what it is dudes! Our little, (C/n) has a crush on Canada!"

"Oh great, please don't start zis again, America."


I walked around the whole building looking for figuring he'd forgotten. I walked back to the conference room to see him sitting in a chair.

"Canada!!!!" I shouted, running up and hugging him, "You're here!"

"um, (C/n), why are you hugging air?"

"How dare you! It's Canada! How can you forget him?! He's important as well!"


"Just stop forgetting him!"


"He's just as important as you all are!"

"(C/n)! Listen to me!" I turned around at the sound of the voice.

"Canada? I didn't know you could shout!"

"That's because I don't usually. You always forget me, just because I'm quiet."

"Yeah! You all forget about him! It's not fair! Sometimes I believe I'm the only one that knows he exists!"

I walked back to Canada after telling everyone else off, "Don't worry, Canada. I'll never forget you," I said hugging him. I hadn't realised I'd fallen asleep until I heard the snap of a camera.

"Haha! Dudette!"

"America, you bloody wanker! You should have let her sleep!"

"Wha-what's going on?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Haha, just this dudette!" America then shoved a photo in my face. I took it off and looked at it. My face lit up bright red and I shoved the photo in my pocket, not wanting Canada to see it. It was a picture of me asleep on Canada's shoulder. How did he not notice I was there? I was snapped out my daze by none other than the Canadian himself, "Um. (C/n), what was in that photo America showed you?"

"Nothing!" I replied making sure the photo was still in my pocket. I breathed a sigh of relief as it was still in there. I then looked up to see him with a slight red face, "So, about the photo... I'm sorry I fell asleep on you!" I looked down at my feet to avoid embarrassment.

"Hey, (C/n). Look at me." I looked up at Canada like he'd asked me, "Thank you. There's no need to be sorry. I know you probably forgot I existed."

"Canada, I didn't forget you existed. I never would. I was just tired."

"Oh come on dudette! Just tell him already!" We turned around at the sound of America's voice just in time to see him get pulled away by England, "You bloody wanker! She'll tell him in her own time! You can't force it!" God save England! I turned back to Canada, who was looking at me. 

"What are they talking about, (C/n)?"

"They were talking about this," I replied before pecking his cheek. I broke off shyly and was going to retreat but I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, "You like me back?"

"Y-yes... Wait 'like you back'?! You mean you like me?!"

"Y-yes. You're the only one that remembers I exist and the first time America introduced me to you, I fell for you."

I giggled and leaned in to kiss him, "I love you, Canada."

"I love you too, (C/n)."


Sorry it took so long... I got distracted.

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