Birthday Special - Spain

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Before this starts: As well as it being Spain's birthday today, it is also mine, so I am in this oneshot. Hehe.

Also, in this, (Because I can, and I have an obsession with him) I'm making England my bf. Cause I can!


I smiled to myself as I knocked on the door of the house that Toni shared with his twin sister, Jennifer (That's me! Irl me.) It was soon opened, "Hey (Y/n)."

"Hello, Jen. Happy birthday by the way. Where's Toni? I wanna say happy birthday to him too!"

She just chuckled, "I don't know where he is at the moment, but if I see him, I'll tell him you want to talk to him, come on in. You must be freezing."

I smiled and nodded as she let me inside. It seemed I was the first one there as there was no one else in the house, apart from presumably Toni, wherever he was. Jen led me to the sofa and we sat down, just talking for a while until the doorbell rang again. Jennifer stood up and walked to the door opening it in the process. I stood up, following her and saw who it was well, I worked out who it was by what she said next, "Arthur! Please, it may be my birthday, but that can wait until we're alone!"

"Sorry, Love. I just couldn't help myself."


A few hours later, everyone else arrived and Antonio reappeared, although, no one actually paid attention to him, not even Jen, his own sister. After about half an hour, I noticed Toni sneaking off upstairs and I followed him. I followed him and saw him walk into his room, closing the door behind him. I walked to the door and knocked, "Toni, can I come in?" All I received in response was a choked sob. I gasped slightly to myself and opened the door to reveal him hunched on his bed, sobbing his eyes out. I gasped again and closed the door before walking over to him and hugging him, "Toni, Toni please tell me what's wrong. Why are you up hear crying? Shouldn't you be downstairs celebrating your birthday?" He wiped his tears and looked up at me, "Shouldn't you be downstairs fawning over my sister like everyone else!?"

"Toni! I am not leaving this room to go back downstairs unless you come with me!"

"Why do you care anyway?! No one else does, what makes you any different?!"

Oh no, no no no no. You're not getting out this that easily, Toni. Unfortunately for him, I was persistent, "Tell me what's wrong now," I told him, "Or do I have to do this the hard way?"

"Okay, chica. I'll tell you. You don't need to do it the hard way."

"Pity, the hard way would have been pinning you to your bed and not moving until you told me, but this is less work for me," I whispered to myself.

"So, chica. It's just, I feel like no one really cares about me. Jen's older than me, despite us being twins, she's the older twin and she's got a great personality which makes everyone love her."

"Toni! That's not true! Don't ever say that!" I shouted at him.

"Yes, it is, (Y/n). If it wasn't the truth, then someone would have noticed, besides you, that I snuck off, but no, everyone's so distracted by Jennifer that they don't even know I'm up here!" he retorted back.

I breathed out a sigh, "Toni! No one thinks that! Especially not me! No one thinks you're completely invisible. You have Francis and Gilbert, they're your friends. You have me too. Feli looks up to you and even though he might not show it, or you don't think he does, so does Lovi. Everyone loves you, Toni. You put a smile on everyone's faces just by being in the room. People know you exist!"

"Then why have they been ignoring me today?! It's my birthday too, not just Jen's."

"Toni, as I said, even though you might not think it, everyone does love you. They're just ignoring you at the moment cause you're up here feeling sorry for yourself."

"Why? Why are you like this? You're always so happy and find a way to put a smile on everyone's face."

"Because, Toni, I love you and I thought that if I acted more like you, you'd notice me more." I noticed his eyes widen and I gulped, "Although, I know you don't love me back! I just had to get it off my chest," I squeaked out before standing up off his bed and out the room bumping straight into Jen. She chuckled before leaning (up/down - depends on whether you're taller than 1.61 meters or not (That's my height)) towards me and into my ear, "Toni does love you, he's just too scared to tell you. In fact, he's loved you since we started high school." The door to Toni's room opened and the Spaniard dashed out, "Jen! I told you not to tell her until I was ready!" Jennifer dashed off back downstairs probably to seek shelter behind Arthur, her boyfriend. Toni was about to follow her before I pushed him up against a nearby wall and pinned him there, "It doesn't matter now though. I've told you that I love you so it's nothing to be ashamed of, Toni." I then leaned in and kissed him.

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