(Austria x Reader)

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High School AU - If you can think of a title please tell me in the comments.


Another day at school. Yay! Note the sarcasm. The only good thing about school is my friend, Roderich. Unfortunately, being friends with him was the reason I was bullied. By one person, in particular, Elizabeta Héderváry. Apparently she hated me just for being friends with him. I mean that is just stupid though, right? Bullying someone just because they're friends with someone else. Every time I said the word 'friend' when describing Roderich, it hurt me inside as I'd grown a crush on him. Anyway back to the story.

"Hello, (Y/n). Are you ready for lunch?"

"I'm always ready! Lunch is the best time of the day, apart from home time but still. Come on, Roderich! Let's go!" I replied grabbing his hand and dragging him outside to the tree that we always sat under to eat our lunch.


When I got home, I unpacked my bag and got my dinner before going up to my room and doing the homework that I got. (This is not me. I will put off my homework until the last minute. Seriously, I should probably be doing my Physics prep instead of writing this oneshot...) As I was finishing up the Maths prep I got, I heard my phone go off. I picked up my phone to see an Instagram notification.

'@Elizabeta_Héderváry has created a new post.'

I opened up Instagram and went to her profile, seeing her latest post. I was shocked when I saw it; It was a picture of me and Roderich under our tree with a caption saying '(Y/n) is trying to steal my boyfriend!' I started crying at this; I wasn't trying to steal her boyfriend, I didn't even know they were dating. Although, if they were, wouldn't Roderich have told me? I put my thought to the back of my head and got ready for bed, the tears still staining my eyes. As I was trying to get to sleep, I received a lot of notifications all from Instagram. Most of them consisting of things like 'I knew she was bad news!', '(Y/n) is the worst! Poor Elizabeta!' or 'You shouldn't try to steal someone's boyfriend!' I eventually had enough and put my phone on silent, crying myself to sleep.


Over the next few days, I started to ignore Roderich, knowing that if anyone saw me with him again, they'd start ridiculing me again about being a 'boyfriend stealer'. I hated to do this without giving Roderich and explanation but I didn't want to talk to him. Over this time, instead of sitting under the tree to eat my lunch, I opted to sit inside to avoid Roderich. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side, as I was sitting eating my lunch one day, I was disturbed by the one person I didn't want to see, "(Y/n)? What are you doing inside?"

I looked up at the visitor, "Oh, hey, Roderich."

"(Y/n) are you okay? Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Elizabeta?" I asked.

"WHAT?! (Y/n) where di you get that idea from?!"

I took my phone out and went to Elizabeta's account on Instagram, "Here," I spoke, handing him my phone, before putting my head back on the desk I was sitting at. When I looked up again, Roderich had a shocked expression on his face, "(Y/n), she's just spouting nonsense. We're not dating."

I wiped my tears and stood up, hugging him again, "I promise, I'll never ignore you again." I felt him returning the hug and whispering the three words I'd wanted to hear for ages, "Ich liebe dich."

I smiled at this, "I love you too, Roderich." I leaned in and kissed him. Just then we heard the snap of a camera and we broke off to see Gilbert running off, "Vell, vell, vell, Hungary vas right, jou are just trying to steal her boyfriend, (Y/n)!"

This set me off and I ran off crying. Can I just have a normal life, please?!


"Gilbert, vat did jou do zat for?" I asked him.

"Vat do jou mean?! Zhe fraulein just kissed jou! It's obvious zat zhe's trying to steal jou from Hungary!"

"I'm not dating Elizabeta! I don't even like her like zat! Zhe vas just saying zat to hurt (Y/n)!"


I ignored him and ran off following (Y/n). I soon found her, only to see her running into the girls' bathroom. Just then, Emma (Belgium. As she doesn't have a canon name, this is the one I prefer to use for her) walked by. I caught her attention, "Emma! Can I get jou to do me a favour?"

"Sure, what is it?" she replied.

"Could you go into the girls' bathroom and get (Y/n) to come out? I want to talk to her."

"Why should I? She's just going to try and steal you from Eliza again."

"We're not dating! It vas just Elizabeta spouting nonsense."

"Okay, fine. I'll go and talk to her."


I ran off to the bathroom and shut myself in a stall. A few minutes later, I heard someone enter, "(Y/n)? Are you in here?"

Shit! It's Emma.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Okay, you are. Roderich wants to speak to you."

"Oh, does he? Okay. Tell him I'll be out in a minute."



When I returned to school the next day, I walked up to my friends expecting to get sympathy from them after being sick for a day. Instead, they just turned away from me. I was confused, "What is up with you?"


"Why, what?" I asked back to them.

"Why would you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Pretend that you were dating Roderich just to get (Y/n) away from him when you knew that she had a crush on him for ages?"

"Oh, that. Well, it worked didn't it? That little bitch doesn't deserve him."

They shook their heads before standing up, "Unfortunately for you, your plan backfired. They confessed and their together now. You don't have a chance." They walked off, leaving me alone. What?! That wasn't supposed to happen!


It was finally lunchtime and I found Roderich sitting waiting for me under our special tree, "Hello!"

"Hi, (Y/n). You look lovely, as always."

"Thanks Roddy, you're not too bad yourself," I replied pecking his cheek.

A few seconds later there was a grumpy looking female Hungarian in front of us, "You little-" she didn't finish her sentence as she was interrupted, "Leave (Y/n) alone. She's done absolutely nothing to you!"

"Well, she's just in the way. You're supposed to be with me!"

"No, I don't date girlz who are horrible to ozers for no reason. Now leave (Y/n) alone."

Elizabeta stormed off angrily and Roderich turned back to me, "Don't worry, zhe wo-" I shut him up by kissing him, "It's okay. Thank you. I love you."

"Ich liebe dich auch."

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