The 17th Day of HetaChristmas - Japan

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Time for Japan.


"Come on, Dudette! You gotta play! It's Christmas!" Alfred shouted in my ear, holding a hat full of items out to me. We were all at his house for Christmas this year and he had the 'amazing' idea for us all to play Seven Minutes in Heaven, "Please?!"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine," although, I knew I wouldn't get as lucky as Scarlett had been, she had got Matthew and the tow of them had spent the seven minutes they had in the closet just making-out. I stuck my hand in the hat and fiddled around for a while. That was until I felt something, it was some sort of plant. It caught my interest and I pulled it out to reveal that it was a bit of cherry blossom. My face heated up when I realised who's it was, however, before I could approach him myself, Alfred shouted for him, "Yo! Kiku, Dude! (Y/n) got you!" Said Japanese man looked up and I help out the cherry blossom to him. He stood up and walked over, "Come on (Y/n)-san, let's go."

I nodded, following him into the closet. I scooted away from him, the minute the door was closed, knowing that he had personal space issues.

"(Y/n)-san, why are you hiding away from me?"

"I'm not, I just know about your personal space so, I didn't want to invade it."

"(Y/n)-san, can I terr you something?" he asked, coming slightly closer to me.

"H-hai," I replied, using his own language in the hopes of impressing him. (Hai means yes in Japanese btw)

"You are the exception to my personar space, (Y/n)-san," he responded, getting closer to me. Before I could reply, he kissed me. I was shocked at this but kissed him back, however, it wasn't until I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, that I thought it would be okay for me to wrap mine around his neck. I smiled into the kiss and we just stayed like that, for our seven minutes. Until the door was burst open, "Woah, Dudes! I knew you both liked each other but I didn't expect to see this when I opened the door!"

"Leave them be, Wanker!" I giggled as Arthur dragged Alfred back by the collar of his bomber jacket (Is that what it's called?) muttering, "Wanker" to himself over and over. I giggled and stood up, Kiku following sweet. The two of us walked out of the closet, both our faces the colour of one of Antonio's tomatoes. Kiku sat down on the sofa and pulled me onto his lap, "I rove you, (Y/n)-san."

"Love you too, Kiku," I replied.

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