(Estonia x Pregnant! Russia's Sister! Reader)

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So, this is the oneshot that my brain comes up with at 10:30 pm... Ps, you're already dating him in this. Also, it's short.


"Eeeee!" I squealed flopping on to my bed on my back. Within two seconds, there was a knock on the door, "(Y/n)? Are you okay in there?" I composed myself before standing up and running to the door. I threw it open and grabbed Eduard's hand dragging him inside my room. I pounced on him and hugged him, "This is amazing!"

"(Y/n), what are you talking about? What is amazing?"

"This," I replied handing him the positive pregnancy test, "You're going to be a father, Eduard. I'm pregnant." This started his freak out, "Oh no, Mr Russia's going to kill me now!"

"Why would I do that, Estonia?"

Eduard immediately took off, running straight out of my room, past Ivan and down the hall, "(Y/n) has something to tell you, Mr Russia and I'm going to leave while she tells you so I don't die!"

Ivan turned back to me, "(Y/n), маленький, what's wrong?"


He smiled at me, "Tell me."

I took a deep breath Please don't kill Eduard after this. "I'm pregnant."

He smiled again, "I get to be uncle, da?" I nodded. He hugged me, "Now if you'll excuse me, маленький, I have to go and talk with Estonia." He let me go before going to walk out of the room. I grabbed his arm, "Please, don't kill him."

"I wasn't going to, Sunflower," he replied, walking off after getting out of my grip. I followed him, just to make sure.


A minute later, Eduard was hiding behind me again, "Protect me, (Y/n). Please don't kill me, Mr Russia!"

"Estonia, take care of sister and niece, Da?"

I noticed Eduard visibly relax and he wrapped an arm around me, "Of course, Mr Russia. I will protect (Y/n) and the väike laps, with my life."

"Good, Estonia."

I smiled as Ivan walked off and turned back to Eduard pecking his cheek, "Love you."

"Ma armastan sind ka," he replied in his native tongue.



маленький - Little Sister (Russian)

väike laps - Little child (Estonian)

Ma armastan sind ka - I love you too (Estonian)

I have an idea for part 2 if anyone wants it.

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