(Prussia x Comatose! Reader x Germany)

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Prussia's POV

Every day, every day I waited for (Y/n) to wake up. She never did... This is all my fault! If I have made her come with me, this wouldn't have happened! (Y/n) had been in a come for a few months. It was that day when it happened:

The accident.

We'd been driving over to see Mein Bruder and I'd reached down to the pocket in the car door to get something out when I accidentally swerved off of the road. I got away from the accident with a broken leg and (Y/n) was put into a coma. I sat at the side of her bed, holding her hand, softly crying, "I'm sorry, (Y/n). This is all my fault! Please vake up!"

It was then that there was a knock on the door. I sighed, "Come in." The door opened to reveal the nurse, "Still not awoken?"

I shook my head sadly, "vill zhe ever vake up?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what else we can do. It might be time to pull the plug on her. I'm sorry."

That sentence hurt. I didn't want to let go of my love. I took out the little box from my pocket and opened it, "Oh, (Y/n), if only I'd asked jou sooner. Do what jou must," I spoke, walking out the room with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to let her go, but it seemed like they were giving me no choice. I left the hospital and went home before lying on the bed and crying my eyes out, "(Y/n), I'm so sorry!"

-------------------- (The next day) Your POV

I heard a voice, "(Y/n)? (Y/n), can jou hear me?" I managed to open one eye to see Ludwig sitting at the side of my bed, "L-Ludwig?"

"(Y/n)! Jou're awake!"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Jou've been in a coma for months, (Y/n). There vas an accident and jou vere put in a coma."

"O-Oh. Where's Gilbert? Is he okay?!" I asked, now managing to open both eyes.

"Gilbert's fine, (Y/n). He survived vith a broken leg."

"Where is he?"

Ludwig looked down and sighed. I looked at him confused, "What is it?! You have to tell me if something's happened to Gilbert!"

"Vell, he vaited und vaited for jou to vake up, but yesterday, vile he vas here, a nurse came and told him it vas time to pull ze plug on jou."

"Then how am I here now?"

"Vell," he paused and I noticed a slight pink tint to his cheeks, "Vonce Gilbert came back, he told me to go and say my goodbyes to jou. Ven I got to ze hospital yesterday, I begged zem not to pull the plug."


"About zat. I-Ich liebe dich."

"What?! Ludwig! I have Gilbert!"

"Ich know, but jou asked me vy so Ich told jou. Und about Gilbert. This morning, he announced zat he vas dating Elizabeta."

"What?!" I shouted, tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). It's ze truth."

"Did he even love me in the first place or as he just using me?!" I cried, the tears falling down my cheeks.

"(Y/n), he did love jou. He vas just told zey vere going to pull ze plug on jou."

"If he did, then he'd be the one here, not you, Ludwig. Although, now you've told me that, come here," I beckoned him closer to me before grabbing his collar and pulling him down on top of me and kissing him, "I love you too."

"Vait, jou do?!"

"Y-yeah. If Gilbert isn't here then I want to be with you instead."


A few days later, I was out of the hospital. I smiled and leaned my head on Ludwig's chest as he carried me back to his house. He opened the door and put me down on the ground, "Gilbert! Ich have a surprise for jou!"

"Vest! Jou're back!" said man shouted running towards us, "Vat is- (-(Y/n)!? Ich has missed jou!" He ran up and tackled me in a hug.

"Gilbert, get off me and explain why you weren't the one by my bedside when I woke up!"

He immediately got off me, "(Y/n)! Zey told me zat zey vere going to pull ze plug on jou!"

"So you ran home and started crying on your bed, right?" I asked, now slinging onto Ludwig's arm. Gilbert was going to protest but I lifted a hand, "No, I don't want to hear your excuses! Go and be happy with Elizabeta! Try not to get her in an accident too! And for the record," I beckoned him closer and leaned into his ear, "I'm dating your brother now." And just for good measure, I slapped him in the face before kissing Ludwig.

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