(Spain x Reader)

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Warnings: Swearing (Chibi Romano - Of course there's going to be swearing.)

------------SPAIN'S POV

"Don't touch-a my hair! You jerk bastard!"

"Romano, calm down."

"No! Breakfast time! Breakfast time! Breakfast time!"

Not the best way to be woken up in the morning, "(Y/n)! A little help!"


"(Y/n)! A little help!"

I walked into Antonio's bedroom to see Romano jumping on him shouting, "Breakfast time!" over and over. I giggled at this before walking up to the two of them, "Romano. Can you please get off of Antonio?"

"Sí! Anything for a bella like you!" he climbed off of Antonio and the bed before walking up to me. I picked him up, "Romano, I don't want you killing my boyfriend, okay?"

"Sorry, Bella."

"Good Romano. Now please leave Antonio alone. There's food waiting for you in the dining room." I put him down and he quickly hugged my legs before running out of the room. By this time, Antonio had got out of bed, "Thank you, mi amor."

"You're welcome Toni," I replied kissing his cheek, "Te amo."

"También te amo."

We walked into the dining room to see Romano, quickly munching his way through his breakfast. I smiled, knowing that he was happy and Antonio wouldn't have to put up with Romano calling him a 'jerk bastard' or a 'tomato bastard' for a while.

"Still hungry you jerk!"

Nevermind, "Romano. You need to learn some manners! And you need to learn to respect Antonio. Can you do that for me?"

"Sí Bella. For you."

"Good because I've arranged a bonding activity for you two today!" I replied pushing both him and Antonio out the house.


I popped my head into Romano's room to see he was still awake. I was going to walk in and tell him to go to sleep but he muttered something loud enough for me to hear, "Another jerk bastard day thanks to jerk bastard Spain."

I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed, "How are you doing, Romano?"

"¡Besame! Bella!"

My face flushed red, Antonio had taught me enough Spanish for me to work out what he had said.

"Oh great! Why is that the only thing you remember?!"

I turned around to see Antonio at the door. I giggled knowing that he heard what Romano had said.

"Listen here, Romano. I don't want you stealing mi amor, okay? She's mine!"

"Don't worry, Antonio. As adorable as Romano is, I will always be yours," I spoke pecking the Spaniard's cheek. His face flushed the same colour as his tomatoes. This made me giggle, "Your face is the same colour as your tomatoes!" I burst out laughing.


"(Y/n), can I ask you a question?"

I turned around at the sound of Antonio's voice, "You just did but, yes you may."

"Okay so, I-I was wondering whether-You know what I'm just going to get to the point. (Y/n), Te casarías conmigo?" he asked getting down on one knee in front of me. I worked out what he had said and replied, "Yes!" He stood up with a smile on his face and placed the ring on my finger.

"You took your time, jerk bastard!"

"Romano, what did we talk about?" I asked, bending down and picking him up.

"Sorry, Bella. But, it has taken him ages to ask you. He bought the ring ages ago!"

I looked up at Antonio, "Why didn't you just ask? Were you afraid I'd say no?"

One look at the expression on his face told me I was correct. I put Romano back down on the floor and took Antonio's cheek in my hand, "Toni, I love you. There's no doubt about it. You didn't have to be so nervous." I leaned up and pecked him on the lips, "Okay? Next time you want to ask an important question, just ask me."

"I know, but I was still nervous. 

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