A Cat is a Human's Best Friend (Neko! England x Reader x Neko! France)

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So, this randomly came to me while I was playing Roblox with the peeps on my Discord server (Link: https://discord.gg/XYPqcPJWT5) and so here we go!


Cats are great pets to have. I know from experience. They're cute, fluffy and they're independent so you don't have to take them out for walks. It's even better when your cat loves to snuggle up with me on my bed during the night. That night was another one of those nights. I was asleep in my bed with the orange and white coloured Scottish Fold curled up in a ball next to my head also asleep. These times were the best, just the two of us. I was glad to have Iggy, as he was always there for me. From when my parents kicked me out because I failed one exam to the time when my boyfriend broke up with me. Both times, he was there to comfort him and helped me get over it. I was so thankful. People say that dogs are 'man's best friend' but I believe a cat is. Iggy always seems to know how I'm feeling and I'm happy. Anyway, back to the story.


It was another normal day when I was coming home from work. Once my parents had kicked me out, I had to fend for myself. Thankfully, I had good enough grades at university to become a Lawyer, my life long dream. Anyway, unlike the normal days, I heard meowing coming from a nearby alleyway. I followed the meowing to see a white Persian cat shivering and cowering in the corner. I gasped in shock and approached the cat. It immediately shrunk back but I slowly approached it and it started to edge it's way closer to me. I was eventually close enough to grab it, which I did. I picked it up and headed back out the alleyway and home. When I did arrive home, Iggy was at my feet, purring. I smiled and bent down, stroking him behind the ears. He purred before walking off and jumping onto the sofa in the living room where his blanket was in the pattern of the Union Jack flag, looking like he was slightly pissed off at me. I just shook my head and brought the Persian cat upstairs to the bathroom as it looked like it needed a wash. I closed the bathroom door and put the cat on the ground before getting a spare towel from the cupboard and placing it on the toilet seat. I started the bath up and waited. Once the bath was a good temperature, I picked the cat up again, from the bathmat, and placed it in the bath. Thankfully, it didn't try to get out and was quite content in the water. Something I was glad about.


Once the cat was bathed and dried and carried him downstairs and into the kitchen to give it some food. Unfortunately, I only had Iggy's cat bowl so, I had to use it to feed the Persian. A few minutes later, Iggy came into the kitchen. Upon spotting the Persian cat eating out of his bowl, he ran up to it ready to tackle, however, I put a stop to it. I picked him up, "Iggy! What has gotten into you?!" Leave the other cat alone." I carried Iggy back into the living room and put him on his blanket, "Stay there."


A few days later, I'd taken the Persian cat to the vet to A, make sure it wasn't hurt in any way and B, to find out what gender it was so I could stop referring to him as an 'it'. Thankfully he wasn't hurt and The vet couldn't find a microchip in him anywhere, so I decided to keep him. However, I noticed that since I'd brought the Persian in, who I'd decided to call Francis, Iggy had been distant from me. He'd even stopped sleeping on my pillow, opting to sleep at the bottom of my bed, beside my feet.

"Iggy, why have you been distant from me? Have I done something wrong?" He turned to face me from his blanket as he'd previously been turned away from me and then looked to the floor where Francis was lying. He growled at the Persian cat before turning back to me. I giggled a bit and picked him up, lifting him so that he could snuggle into my chest if he wanted to, "Iggy, you don't need to worry, you'll always be by my special little kitty."

This made him purr and snuggle up on my lap, happily. I giggled and stroked his tummy, giving him a tummy rub.

Yep, cats are the best animals in the world. 

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