My Hero (America x England's Sister! Reader)

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"Love? Are you okay?"

"W-where am I?" I asked looking around at the room I was in.

"The hospital, Dudette!"

"Why am I in the hospital? Arthur, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, this idiot," he stared pointing to Alfred, "thought it was a good idea to climb a tree and you followed. Only after a lot of pestering from him."

"So basically, it's Alfred's fault?"

"Yeah, basically. You broke your leg by the way."

"So that's why it hurts when I move it. I totally didn't know that Arthur," I replied sarcastically.

"At least you don't have amnesia."


I was up in my room, drawing while my brother was downstairs, talking to some people who I worked out to be Alfred, Matthew and Francis. I continued my drawing silently with my headphones in, blocking out the world. This meant I didn't hear my brother's shouts for me to get out, and even if I did, I would have been stuck; My bedroom is upstairs and I couldn't walk downstairs due to my leg and there was no other way out of the house. I wasn't bothered when I smelt smoke or when I was finding it hard to breathe. The last thing I remember before passing out was a voice, "Don't worry, I got you, Dudette!"


The minute we smelt smoke we rushed out the house. Again, Arthur had managed to burn his cooking again. When we got outside, I noticed that (Y/n), Iggy's sister, was nowhere to be seen. Iggy on noticing this, started panicking and me, being the hero I am, ran back inside, knowing that (Y/n) was in her room and couldn't get out due to her crutches. I ran into her room and picked her up, "Don't worry, I got you Dudette!" I ran back downstairs and out the house over to the rest, "She's taken a lot of smoke but she's still breathing."

"Alfred, thank you."

"It's what the hero's for Dude!"

-------------------------------YOUR POV

I woke up again, to bright lights, "Wher-*cough!*"

"Save your strength, Love. You're in the hospital again. There was an accident with my cooking and I set the house on fire. I thought I'd lost you! But, and I hate to say it but, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Alfred and his 'heroness'."

"Alfie, come here," I beckoned. The American was confused but walked over, sitting on the edge of my bed. I smiled weakly and lifted a hand up to cup his cheek, "Thank you."

"It was nothing, Dudette! Just doing my Hero duty!"

I retracted my hand and looked away, tears starting to form in my eyes, Why did I ever think he'd like me like that? I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear my brother talking to Alfred.


"Just tell her you bloody wanker! How can you be so stupid?! Listen, (Y/n) has had a crush on you for ages and now by saying that you just saved her as part of your 'Hero Duty' has upset her."

"What? You're pulling my leg, right?"

"Now, I'm not. Now you better tell her or I will do it for you."


I was finally brought from my thoughts by a tap on the shoulder, "Dudette?"

"Go away. I don't want to talk to you," I replied coldly, he'd really broken my heart.

"Dudette, what I mean is, I didn't save you because I felt it was part of my 'Hero's Duty' I saved you because I've grown a crush on you."

I finally looked up at him, "Really?"

He flashed his signature smile, "I'm serious, Dudette!"

"If you're really serious then, kiss me."

"With pleasure, Dudette!" he replied leaning down and kissing me, "I love you, Dudette!"

"I love you too, Alfie."

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