The 22nd Day of HetaChristmas - Hungary

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Day 22! Only three more days til Christmas! Including today that is.

Things to note for this oneshot:
1. You're Austria's sister (Cause I can)
2. Any German words will be put through Google Translate so, if they're wrong, please tell me.
3. There is a slight bit of PruAus shipping at the end (Cause I can).


"Hey, (Y/n). How are jou doing today?"

"Gilbert, please leave me alone. I am not in ze mood for zis right now," I replied turning away from him on the sofa and going back to the book I was reading.

"Geez, jour worse zan jour brother with being a stick in ze mud. Jou gotta have zome fun, (Y/n). It is Christmas tomorrow jou know."

"Ja, I know zat, Gilbert, but right now, I vant to sit here und read my book. Is zat too much to ask of jou? Or do I have to get Elizabeta to whack jou again vith her frying pan?"

Nien, jou don't need to do zat, (Y/n)!"

"Zen get out of zis house, Gilbert! Dummkopf."


"Merry Chritmas, Lizzie. Here's jour gift," I spoke handing the wrapped gift to the Hungarian girl. She took it from my hand, "Thank you, (Y/n)." I returned to my spot on the sofa next to my brother and Elizabeta opened the gift I'd given her. Once she'd unwrapped it properly, her face lit up, "Thanks (Y/n)!"

"No problem, I knew zat jou broke ze ozer frying pan ven jou hit Gilbert zat time zo, I zought zat I'd get jou a new von."

She smiled at me and walked up to me, hugging me. My face lit up bright red and I noticed Roderich with a smirk on his face. I glared at him and mouthed, "Fick dich," to him while putting my middle finger up at him. This just caused him to chuckle more and he stood up, walking around the back of the sofa and whispering into my ear, "I'm zure zat's vat jou vant her to do to jou, (Y/n)," before walking off into the kitchen. God, you're worse than Gilbert is.

He came back a few minutes later and handed me a bottle, "Drink it all, (Y/n)." I was confused, he'd never willingly let me drink alcohol before, but I wasn't going to say no, so I opened it and drank... the... whole... bottle... Fair to say, soon I was drunk and giggling like a little girl. For some reason, my drunk self decided to do this, "Come on, Lizzie, *hic* jour coming with me." I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her, somehow, up to my room. I flopped onto my bed in my drunken form and petted the bed next to me, "Come sit. I promise I von't do anyzing."

She smiled at me and sat down next to me. I soon pushed her down on my bed so that her head was on the pillow before snuggling into her, "Jou're comfy. Did jou know zat?" I spoke before falling asleep, "Ich liebe dich, Lizzie."


I woke up the next day with a splitting headache. What happened last night? I thought to myself. I then felt something around my waist and I looked to my side to see Elizabeta there. What did I say last night?! "Lizzie? Lizzie vake up." She didn't wake up but started muttering in her sleep, "I love you too, (Y/n)."

I was shocked at this and I decided to wake her up. I shook her for a while and she eventually woke up, "Good morning, (Y/n)."

"Guten Morgen, Lizzie. Did jou really mean zat?"

"Mean what?"

"When you said 'I love jou too'. Did you mean it?"

"Yes, I did."

I pounced on her despite my headache, "Can I kiss jou zen?" She nodded and I smiled, leaning down and kissing her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I moved mine to her neck.

"Ich liebe dich, Lizzie."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

--------------OUTSIDE THE ROOM

"I told jou zat it vould vork!"

"Ja, jour right. Vell, at least ze Frau vill stop hitting ze awezome me now!"

"I severely doubt zat, Gilbert."

"Vy are jou alvays zuch a stick in ze mud?"


"Hey, Lizzie?"


"Jou vant to go and teach zose tvo a lesson?"

She nodded and we got out of my bed before walking towards the door. I opened it to see both Roderich and Gilbert standing there. I looked to Lizzie and smirked, mouthing, "Jou ready to put zese tvo in zere place?"

She nodded and my smirk grew, "Roderich and Gilbert zitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

Both their faces lit up bright red and I smirked again, "Vill jou just hurry un and confess? Rodich, jou know zat jou can't very vell be shipping me vith Lizzie and get me to confess ven jou still haven't confessed to Gilbert," I continued before walking past the two of them, pushing Roderich into Gilbert on the way, cause them to kiss. However, as I expected, neither of them pulled away. I continued my way downstairs and into the kitchen, ready to start a new day with my girlfriend.


Next one done!

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