Fight for the Lady's Heart (America's x Reader x England)

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This was originally part of another idea but it spiralled into two separate things and I wanted them as different oneshots so here is the 2nd one. The first one was the previous oneshot btw.


"-Dudette? (Y/n)? (Y/n), what is it? I understand if you don't love me back, but please tell me either way."

"That's just it, Alfie. I can't tell you either way!" I collapsed int my study chair before propping my head up on the desk with my chin in my hand. I hadn't realised I'd used my left hand, if I had, I would have opted to use my right hand because...

"Dudette?! Since when were you engaged?!" Alfred shouted, shocked.

"I-It happened a while ago, Alfred. I have no choice in this! I have been betrothed to-" I was cut off by a knock on the door, "M'lady, you have another visitor. Where shall I have him rest?"

"Thank you, Alana. Who is it?"

"I think you're better to see for yourself, M'lady."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute, Alana. Tell my guest that please." I had a suspicion of who it was but just in case, "Alfred, please stay here. If this guest is who I think he is, then I don't want you causing trouble and getting him worked up, okay?"

"Can do, Dudette!"

I nodded before walking out towards the hallway. Once I got there, I smiled slightly, only slightly, "Arthur, I didn't know you'd be visiting today."

"I know and I'm sorry for dropping in unannounced but I wanted to give you something. You know, as a birthday present," he replied, his face slightly red. I smiled and took the box he was holding out for me.

"I hope you like it, Love."

I smiled at him, which increased his blush, before turning back to the box. I opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace with a (B/s) on it. I looked up at him again, smiling, "Thank you. Could you put in on for me?"

"Of course, Love," he responded. I handed the necklace to him and he came round behind me, clasping it around my neck, "There you go, Love."

"Thank you," I replied, pecking his cheek, making his blush increase again.


Why is he here?! I had sneakily followed (Y/n) out to the hallway where she was talking to her 'guest'. I gritted my teeth when he attached something around her neck and she repaid him with a kiss on the cheek. Does this mean that Arthur is the guy (Y/n) is betrothed to?! He can't eve- I was cut from my thoughts by a tap on the shoulder, "Master Jones? What are you doing?"

"Oh, Alana! Please don't tell (Y/n)!"

"Tell me what, Alfred?" I froze and turned to look behind me to see (Y/n) with a sceptical look on her face and clinging onto the Brit's arm.

"Nothing, Dudette!"

"Why were you spying on me? I told you to stay in my study!"

"Sorry, Dudette! Is this the guy you're betrothed to? Seriously? Him?! Of all people?!"

"Is there a problem, Alfie?"

"Dudette, what I said before was the truth. You know, about me loving you."


I froze, "Alfred, can I talk to you alone?" I asked him.

"Sure Dudette!" he replied, a smirk appearing on his face, which was directed at Arthur. I removed myself from Arthur's arm, Alana, make sure Arthur feels at home. Have him sit in the living room as well. I'll be out once I've finished talking to Alfred." and dragged Alfred to my bedroom, just hearing Alana's reply, "Yes, M'lady." I shut the door and locked it before turning back to Alfred. I pinned him to the door, "I love you too." I leaned in and kissed him, soon feeling him kiss me back. When we broke off he spoke up, "But what about, Arthur?"

I looked him in the eye, "I can break it off. The betrothment only happens if neither part finds another partner before we both turn 21. I'm 16 now so it's broken. I love you, Alfie. I always will."

"I love you too, Dudette!"

I walked out of my bedroom and back to the living room, "Arthur, the engagement is cancelled. You may leave now. Alana, please escort him out."

"I understand, Love. I know the terms and I wish the two of you the best of luck in the future. I hope we can remain friends though."

"Yes, we can, Arthur. Thank you for understanding."


I lifted my hand and slapped him, "Alfred! I'm sorry but I can't do this. I know you're my friend. My best one in fact but, I don't want to be more than that with you. I know we're betrothed but I genuinely love Arthur. Now, if you don't mind, OUT!" He looked at me sadly, "Okay. I'm sorry, Dudette," before waking out. I leaned my head on Arthur's shoulder and he placed a hand around my waist, "You did the right thing, Love."

"I know but I still feel bad. I hope he can forgive me at some point."

"Well, that's just the way Alfred is."

"You're right about that. I love you," I replied, kissing him.

"I love you too, Love."

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