King Of Lego (Denmark x Reader)

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So, this was an idea that came to me when one of the peeps on my Discord server, send me an image, well a picture of a headcanon they found. So, here is what my brain thought of when I read it... Bear in mind, this will most likely be short...


"Hey, (Y/n)! You have to come over! There's something I need to show you!" I winced as the loud Dane shouted into my ear over the phone. From the other side of the phone, I could hear Lukas' annoyed voice, "Shut up, you stupid Dane! You don't want to kill her ears do you?!"

I giggled, "Okay, I'll come over, Matthias. Just do quieten down."

"I can do that, (Y/n)!"

"You sure?" 

Before he could reply, I hung up to get my stuff together to go over to the Nordics' house. I grabbed my phone and got my coat on as well as my shoes before walking out my front door, making sure to lock the door behind me, as I left to the Nordics' house.


I knocked on the door as I flattened out the skirt I was wearing. I wanted to make sure that I looked presentable in case it was Matthias who opened the door. Despite him being incredibly loud, I'd developed a crush on him. It didn't take very long for the door to open, and once it did, I was embraced in a hug, "Moi, (Y/n)!"

"Hello, to you too, Tino. Can you let me go though? I can't breathe!" he did and I caught my breath, "Thank you. Do you know where Matthias is? He was the one that asked me to come."

"He's upstairs in his room, (Y/n)."

"Thanks, Tino," I replied walking off upstairs towards Matthias' room. I knocked on the door, "Matthias? You in there?" The was the sound of shuffling, before the door opened, "(Y/n)! You're here!" He gushed, embracing me in my second tight hug in the span of five minutes.

"Yes, I am. Now let me go. I've barely just caught my breath from Tino's hug." he let me go, "Thanks. Now, what did you want to show me?"

"Oh yeah! This is epic," he replied opening the bedroom door wider, "Watch this," he continued before walking straight to his bed. Now, this might sound strange as to why he was so excited about walking across his bedroom, and it would be... except his whole bedroom floor was covered with Lego... And he just stepped straight onto it, well he would have done if it didn't magically move itself before he could actually put his foot down onto it. And so, he managed to make his way to his bed (Which was on the other side of the room, might I add) without stepping on a single Lego piece. My mouth fell open and he looked to me from his bed, "What?"

"How in the world?!" I asked looking up at him.

"Dunno, they just started moving themselves this morning! It's amazing like they know who their king is!"

"Sure it is, Matthias, keep telling yourself that."

"Come on, (Y/n). You try!"

"Yeah-No. Not happening. I'm going to step on them. You said they 'knew' who their king was. I am just a girl."

"Just try, for me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. But the minute I step on one, Lukas won't be the only one choking you with your tie."

"Got it, (Y/n)!"

I rolled my eyes again and started walking to him, surprisingly, the Lego pieces moved themselves. I was shocked at this but continued anyway. I flopped onto the portion of Matthias' bed that the Dane wasn't occupying, "How did you manage to do that?!"

He just shrugged, "Guess they know who their queen is too, as well as their king," he replied.

"Matthias, what are you talking about?"

"Just as I said, they know who their queen is, as well as their king."

"Matthias, are you trying to tell me something?"

He nodded, "I am. You're my queen, (Y/n) and jeg elsker dig."

My face lit up bright red when I heard that, I'd studied Danish at school and I worked out that he'd just confessed his love to me.

"So what do you say, min dronning?" (My queen)

"I love you too, Matthias." The minute I'd said that Matthias leaned in and kissed me. I gladly accepted leaning into it and wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him back. This continued for a while until we had to break for oxygen, "I love you, Matthias. So much."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

"More than you love Lego?" I questioned.

"More than I love Lego, (Y/n)." I smiled and leaned in, kissing him. However, this time, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lukas walking away from the door, smirking slightly and putting his magic wand away. I mentally giggled, knowing that the moving Lego pieces we're his doing, but we could talk about that later. I just wrapped my arms around Matthias' neck again and kissed him back with a lot of passion.

------------Extended Ending 

Once me and Matthias had got together, he made me move in with the Nordics. However, in the following weeks, I'd started to throw up in the morning. Lukas was the first person to work out what was wrong and he confronted me about it, "(Y/n), what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know, Lukas! I'm trying to work that out too."

"How long has this been going on for?"

"5 weeks," I replied, rolling my eyes, he already knew that.

"If that's the case, then I think I've worked out what it is. But just to be sure, go into the bathroom and take this," he responded handing me a pink stick thing.

"Lukas, what's this?"

"Doesn't matter what it is, just read the instructions and see."

So, I did. I did what Lukas told me to. Following the instructions he'd given me, I read through the piece of paper.

------------- Mention/hint of smut (Not actually tho)

Five minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom and handed the stick back to Lukas, "You going to tell me now? I did what you told me to."

He looked at the stick and then walked off, muttering to himself, "Stupid Dane." over and over. A few minutes later, he came back into the living room, dragging Matthias behind him, pulling on his tie. He let the Dane go and walked up to me, "You want to know why you've been feeling sick these past few weeks? That stupid Dane impregnated you the night that you got together because he doesn't know what protection is."

I was shocked, "You know, that would make sense as to why I haven't had my period in a while."

"So you're telling me I'm going to be a dad?!" I turned to Matthias, "Well, if Lukas is correct, then yes. I do seem to remember you not using protection that night and you didn't pull out so yea, you are."

Matthias' smile grew and he hugged me, "That's great! I can't wait to meet our little prince of Northern Europe."

"Or princess, Matthias, or princess."

"Right, or princess. I love you, Elske."

"I love you two, Matthias."

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