An Act or Real? (Norway x Reader)

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I am going to get so much judgement for this. Please do not judge in the comments. Also, this involves spoilers for the film.

College/University AU

Ps: Both you and Norway are a part of the theatre department.

I was really excited, my college was doing Frozen 2 for the year's big musical production. I had managed to get the role of Anna, surprisingly as I wasn't the best at acting. Although, my friends said I was an amazing singer (I was majoring in singing) so that's why I was picked due to the fact that Anna has a song that would need good vocals to be sung (The Next Right Thing). I took that as the truth. That was until I noticed who was playing Kristof; Lukas, my current crush, who I know from my acting class. Shit! This is going to go so well. We started by reading over the script and my face heated up at the number of coupley things between Anna and Kristof. This was going to go amazingly.


Months passed as we practised for the show and after the fourth month, something Lukas said, surprised me; "(Y/n), I was wondering where your feeling towards me lay because you go red whenever we have to kiss in the show."

"Well, maybe it's because I have a crush on you and I want the kisses to be real rather than just the acting," I replied my face going red and continuing to play with the grass that the two of us were sitting on.

"What? You really do?"

"Y-yeah, I do. It's okay if you do-" I was cut off when he pinned me to the grass and kissed me. My face went redder and I melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. We broke off due to lack of oxygen and I smiled, "I love you, Lukas. And that's not the acting talking."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."


The day of the final show came and I was nervous even though we'd done it for two days already I was still nervous. The Friday night was always the busiest due to the next day being Saturday.

"You'll be fine, (Y/n). You've done it already, calm down."

I immediately calmed down at the calming voice of my boyfriend (In real life and in the show) and smiled, ready to go on stage.


The end of the show came and I'd noticed that Emil had handed Lukas a microphone, whispering something in his ear that seemed to make Lukas happy. I was confused at this but it immediately put my mind at rest when he started talking, "Sorry to keep you all waiting but, we actually have an extended ending for tonight," he paused and turned to me, "Princess Anna of Arrendelle, will you marry me?" he asked getting down on one knee and producing a ring. This wasn't in the script so I was unsure whether he was acting or he was being serious. I was brought from my thoughts by a certain Dane, "He's asking you out of character, (Y/n). He's asking as Lukas, not Kristof."

I smiled and nodded, "Yes! Or course, I'll marry you!" Lukas stood up and placed the ring on my finger before proceeding to pick me up and spin me around. Placing me back on the stage, he kissed me and I gladly kissed back, "I love you."

"Jeg elsker deg også."

We walked offstage, Lukas's arms still wrapped around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder, "I'm so lucky I have you."

"I'm the lucky one, (Y/n)."

"There is one thing I'm wondering."

"What is it?"

"What exactly did Emil say to you when he whispered in your ear?"

"Oh that. He finally did it!"

"Did what? Call you 'Big Brother'?" I asked in a joking way. I looked to Lukas who has a shocked look on his face, "Did he really?!"

"Well, his exact words were 'Good luck Big Brother. I know she'll say yes!'"

"Aww, now I understand why you were so happy about it!"

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