Reunion (England x Reader)

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I randomly thought of this while writing another oneshot..
"Arthur, I have to go. I told you this last week."

"But, I'm going to miss you, Love!" he replied clinging onto me, "Promise me you'll return."

"Of course, I will, Artie," I reassured him. I totally understood his worry after all, Alfred had abandoned him as well as Peter selling himself on the internet to get away from him, "I promise. I love you," I continued rubbing him back before pecking his cheek.

"Alright, Love. How long will you be away for?"

"Artie, I told you this already, I'll be gone for three months."

"But, you'll miss Christmas!"

"I know, Arthur, but it's can't be helped. I'll call you every night, don't worry, Arthur." I still felt bad about having to go, but it still couldn't be helped. I pecked Arthur on the lips one final time before walking through security at the airport.


After (Y/n) left, I was devastated. I had a plan for Christmas this year and now I wouldn't be able to carry it out. During world meetings, I just laid my head on the desk and ignored everyone, not very gentlemanly, but I couldn't help it, I missed (Y/n) so much. She always knew how to cheer me up when Francis was being a frog or whe Alfred's antics got too much for me to handle. I didn't think anyone would notice until, "Yo! Britain! How ya doing Dude?"

"I'm great you wanker, now leave me alone!"

"No, you're not, Dude! What's up?!"

"Fine, you wanker. It's (Y/n). She had to go abroad for a work trip and I miss her."

"Pffft! Ahhaaahaha! That's the best joke ever! You? Missing someone? Hahaha! Great joke, Dude!"

I sighed and ignored him and stood up leaving the room. "Yo! Dude, where are you going?!"

"I said 'Leave me alone, wanker!"


Something's up with him, but I can't put my finger on it.

"Ohonhonhonhon~ Alfred, love is a powerful thing, non?"

"Yo, Dude! What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that Arthur's girlfriend is overseas, mon ami. He's just missing her."

"What?! He was boing serious?!"

"Oui, you are dense, mon ami."
It was a few days later, and I had thought of an idea. I phoned up the Dudette, "Yo! Dudette!"

"Alfred. Why did you ring me?! I'm busy?!"

"I thought you'd like to know that your boyfriend is acting all depresed since you left!"

"Alfred, please. I don't have time for your jokes! If Arthur missed me he would have called me!"

"I'm serious, Dudette! He's been moping about all the time and he hasn't faught with Francis once!"

"I guess that's unusual, but Alfred, please. I'm incredibly busy at the moment!"

"I got an idea, Dudette! Just meet me at my house on Christmas day at 6, deal?"

"Alfred! I'll try. I can't make any promises, though."

"Great thanks Dudette!"
"Yo! Time for presents!" Where are you, Dudette?

"Let's get this over with, you wanker," Arthur replied, sitting on the sofa, a grumpy look on his face.

"Waoh, what's up with you, Dude?!"

"Shut it, Wanker! I'm fine!"

"Okay, if you say so, Dude." Where are you, Dudette?


Dudette? Where are you?! I was starting to get worried. (Y/n) still wasn't here.


Finally! Back home. I left the airport and rang Alfred, "Hey, Al."

"Yo! Dudette! Where are you?!"

"Sorry, Alfie. Just keep him occupied for half an hour. I just got off the plane."

"Can do, Dudette!"

I hung up and started the short walk to Arthur's house. I soon arrived and snuck in, leaving my suitcase by the door. I peaked into the living room to see Arthur's standing with his back to me. Perfect! I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, "I missed you!"

"What th-Love?!"

"Hey, Artie," I replied, snuggling into him more, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Love."

"Do you want your Christmas present?"

"Love, I've told you before you-" I shut him up by kissing him, "I know you keep saying I don't have to get you a Christmas present, but this one is special," I responded.

"Okay, Love."

"Yay!" I pecked his cheek before running back to my suitcase. I fished through it before finding what I wanted. I ran back into the living room, "Artie, close your eyes and stick your hands out." He did so and I started getting giddy.

"Love, will you hurry up with this?"

"Fine," I rolled my eyes and placed the photo in his hands. He opened his eyes and looked at the photo, "Love what's this?"

"Look closely."

He brought the photo closer to his face, "Is it?"

"Yep! It's a collection of photos from memories of the two of us. While I was abroad, I found this little place where they made your photos into a collage. I-I hope you like it."

"Love, this is amazing."

"Actually, Artie, you're the amazing one. I love you so much." I pecked his cheek again.

"Yo, Britain! You gonna do it?!"

"Shut it, Wanker! (Y/n), I have a question."

"Artie, why are you nervous? You know you can ask me anything," I replied hugging him and snuggling into him again.

"Well, I was wondering whether you'd," he paused and got down on one knee in front of me, pulling out a ring, "marry me?"

I felt tears pricking my eyes, "Yes! Of course I will, Arthur! I love you so much!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger.

"Now we'rr have to add that one to the arbum."

"You're right, Dude!"

"Arfred, prease, personar space."

I rolled my eyes before prying Alfred off of Kiku, "Thank you, (Y/n)-san," he spoke, bowing.

"You're welcome."

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