The 24th Day of HetaChristmas - Belarus

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Again, I totally did not write this the day before I actually need to... shh.

Things to note:
1. You're England's sister (Cause I can)
2. There will be British 'swearing' in this (Aka the use of the word 'bloody' a lot or other things like that)


"How the bloody hell do I get her to notice me, again? She's starting to ignore me," I spoke looking to the male in front of me, a sad look upon my face. I'd been dating Natalia for a while and a few weeks ago, she started ignoring me and I didn't know why.

"Listen Chérie. That's up to you. I don't know why you're asking me. Your brother isn't going to like you talking to me."

"I know that you bloody frog. I don't care what Artie thinks, I need your help. You get Natalia to notice me, please?" I asked, giving him puppy eyes.

"Okay, Chérie. Got a plan?"

"Yes! So, all you have to do on Christmas Day while we're at Alfred's party is flirt with me the whole time and then, if she sees it, then she should get jealous and walk over, tearing me away from you."

"Chérie, I really don't think that's a good idea. I'll probably be dead for flirting with you and I don't particularly want that. Not when there are so many people in the world to pair up and find love for. Everyone deserves love, non?"

"I know, Francis, and I agree," I replied, a smirk now growing on my face, "That's why you've got to help me. Can't you help a girl who doesn't feel loved by her girlfriend anymore? Please?" I asked, again, giving him puppy eyes.

"Okay, I'll help you, Chérie. But you have to promise that I won't be hurt, oui?"

"If Natalia harms you in any way, shape or form, I will eat one of my brother's scones. How does that sound?" I smirked, holding my hand out for him to shake, "Do we have a deal?"

"Oui," he replied shaking my hand. Perfect.


A week later, we were at Alfred's house, much to my brother's despair. He really didn't want to see Alfred but, Arthur will be Arthur. However, this year, I've told him to not pick a fight with anyone, knowing that the minute he saw Francis flirting with me, Arthur would be over in a heartbeat and probably strangling Francis. This was also the reason why I told him that Francis had permission to flirt with me for the entire day and that I'd asked him to as my plan to get Natalia to novice me again and stop ignoring me.

"Chérie, I have to say, you look gorgeous tonight," Francis spoke, lifting my hand up to kiss the back of it. Someone's learning how to be a gentleman... finally. He released my hand from his grip before swiftly dipping me, his hand on the small of my back the other holding my arm, "As always."


Despite the fact that I knew he was only doing it because of my plan to get my girlfriend, Natalia, to notice me again, it still flustered me and my face grew red... and Francis noticed, "Chérie, you aren't falling for me, are you?" he asked, adding his signature laugh onto the end of it.

"Shut it, bloody frog! I'm not, you're flirting is just not what I was expecting. I'm not used to being flirted with. All Natalia does is ignore me and she's still in her 'Marrying My Brother' scheme and I'm just not sure she actually loves me anymore."

"Chérie, of course, she does. How in the world could someone not love someone as beautiful as you?" he responded again, lifting my hand up and kissing the back of it. I soon caught sight of Natalia on the other side of the room, eyeing Francis up and twisting her knife around in her hand. I smirked and turned back to Francis, "Looks like my plan is working."

Francis turned around and noticed Natalia too. He then turned back to me before looking around, "Good, I know something that'll really drive her crazy and I had to check that your brother wasn't around first." Thankfully, or not really thankfully for me as I'd be the one to take care of him, Arthur was already drunk off of his arse and was now trying to get Alfred to kiss him. I chuckled but before I could ask Francis hat he meant, he'd kissed me, full-on. Okay, Mr Smart Guy, I get your plan now. I'm not going to protect you if Natalia tries to kill you after this. Just to piss Natalia off more, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. In the blink of an eye, Natalia was over by the two of us, holding a knife to Francis' throat, "What do you think you're doing? (Y/n) is mine!"

"Well, that's not she was telling me, the Chérie was saying that you've been ignoring her lately. I was just trying to cheer her up."

Natalia growled before letting him go. She put the knife away before walking up to me, "You're mine."

"I know, but why have you been ignoring me?" I breathed out.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I-I was avoiding you because I was nervous to do this. (Y/n), I love you so much. Will you marry me?" she asked, getting down on one knee in front of me and producing a ring from her pocket.

Before I could answer, there was a shout, "Oi! What the bloody hell do you think you're doing to my baby sister?!" Before Arthur could walk up to us and stop me from saying yes, he was pulled away, "Father, you're drunk, we're going home."

"Scarlett, Love. *hic* I'm not drunk!"

"Yes, you are, Father," Scarlett replied before dragging Arthur out the house, "You need to learn to let Aunt (Y/n) make her own decisions. You can't stop her from saying yes."

Once they were out of the house, I turned back to Natalia, "Yes. Of course, I'll marry you. Happy Christmas."

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