"Personar Space!" (Japan x Germany's Sister! Reader)

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I just released, I have over 100 Hetalia oneshots and I haven't done a single Japan one! (Same goes for China) So, I finally thought of one... This came to me while I was reading over some of my Ace Attorney oneshots for like the 100th time. Ps, this is incredibly short.

--------------------ITALY'S POV

Once again, Ludwig was making us train. Why do we have to train! It's so hard! I looked to the side of the running track to see (Y/n), Ludwig's younger sister, sitting there, a smile on her face and cheering us on. I turned back to see Kiku sitting on the ground, rubbing his foot. I ran over to him, "Japan! What-a happened?!" I asked bending down next to him. He immediately shuffled away from me, "Itary-san, prease. Personar space." Ludwig then game over, "Are jou alright, Japan?" He also bent down next to Kiku.

"Personar space!"



I was sitting watching my brother, Felicano and Kiku, my crush, training when I noticed Kiku had fallen over. Now, if this was anyone else, I would have run straight over to see if they were okay but I knew Kiku had personal space issues. So I just sat to the side, that was until Ludwig called me over. I ran over, "Ja?"

"Can jou go and get some ice for Kiku?" I nodded before rushing back inside to get some ice for him. After getting said ice, I ran back outside to see that Ludwig and Feliciano had now backed off, giving Kiku his personal space. I smiled at the before approaching Kiku slowly, "I brought ice for jou, Kiku. Here," I spoke going to hand him the ice pack. However, he refused to take it, "(Y/n)-chan, can you put it on my foot for me prease?" I was shocked at this. I'd have thought he'd want to do it himself with his personal space issues. I smiled before kneeling down next to him and placing the ice on his foot, where he said that it hurt before going to stand up again. However, I was stopped when Kiku grabbed my arm, pulling me back down onto the grass, "(Y/n)-chan. You're the exception to my personar space."

"Vat do jou mean, Kiku?" I asked, a slight pink now tinting my cheeks.

"I mean exactry what I said, (Y/n)-chan. You are the exception to my personar space."

"Kiku, are jou trying to tell me something?"

"H-hai. わたしは、あなたを愛しています!"

"Kiku, I don't speak Japanese," I responded. Noticing the slight blush on his cheeks, I gained an idea of what he said, "Kiku, I'm going to guess zat by ze fact zat jour face is red, zat jou said 'I love jou'. Is zat right?" I asked, blush now adorning my cheeks.


I smiled, "Ich liebe dich auch! W-Would jou mind if I kissed jou or is zat in breach of jour personal space?"

"N-no, that's arright (Y/n)-chan."

I smiled again before leaning in and kissing him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt him tense before his arms found their way to my waist. We soon broke off due to lack of oxygen and I smiled again, "Now, how about jou come inside und rest jour leg, Kiku?"

"H-Hai." I smiled and stood up before picking him up and carrying him inside. Yes, I am that strong, I mean Ludwig's not the only stong on one in the family. I carried hin up to his bedroom before placing him on his bed, "Zere jou go, I'll get jou a pillow for jour foot" I then dashed out the room, going into mine to get a pillow and returning to Kiku's, "Here, jou go," I spoke, before gently lifting his leg and placing the pillow under his foot. I then leaned down and pecked his forehead, "Ich liebe dich."

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