Maybe You're Not Too Bad, Frog (France x England's Sister! Reader)

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I did not think of the title! Title credit goes to 

This randomly came to me.


"Arthur, please don't make me sit next to that frog!" I pleaded with my brother, even though I was absolutely ecstatic about sitting next to him. The two of us had been secretly dating for a while but we never told my brother due to his hatred for Francis.

"(Y/n), it's not for long. I had to sit next to him last time, it's now your turn."

"Gah, fine," I replied turning on my heel and sitting next to Francis.

About halfway through the meeting, I felt a hand on my thigh. What are you doing?! Arthur will murder you if he sees this!


After the meeting, I took my absolute time packing up my stuff, for once we got something done.

"(Y/n), love will you hurry up? We don't have all day!"

"I'll catch up to you, Arthur. Go on ahead. I'll be fine on my own," I replied noticing Francis staring at me from the other side of the room. I nudged my brother out the room before walking up to Francis, "I love you so much."

"Je t'aime aussi, amour."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him, which I did. This soon turned into a make-out session, which was interrupted later on...


I frantically searched for my pen (My brain is not working at the moment) in my pockets before coming to a conclusion, "Um... Mr Russia. I think I l-left my p-pen in the meeting room."

"Go and get it, Latvia. We'll wait for you, da?"

"Y-yes, Mr Russia, sir!" I scurried back to the meeting room to get my pen, but nothing prepared me for what I saw in there. I quickly grabbed my pen before rushing back out, hoping they didn't see me.


Where is she? It can't take that long to pack up stuff! I was waiting outside for (Y/n), when I saw Russia coming out, the three Baltics following behind him.

"Um. Mr England."

"Yes?" I replied directing my attention to Latvia who had spoken up.

"If you're looking for your sister, you might want to go back to the meeting room."

"Thank you, Latvia."

He nodded and rushed off following Russia. I walked back inside and to the meeting room again, "(Y/n)? Are you- "Get off of my sister, you Bloody Frog!" I stopped midsentence and started shouting.

"Arthur! He's not doing anything wrong!"

"What do you mean?! He was all over you! Just go home, I'll deal with him."


I smiled guiltily at Francis and mouthed 'sorry' to him before walking out the room and back home, which didn't take very long as the meeting was in London this time. The minute I got home, I shut myself in my room and I refused to talk to anyone for the weeks following.


A few weeks later, I was still shut in my room. I managed to survive with Feli and Alfred bringing me food (Mainly pasta and burgers respectively), but it was one day, I had the urge for ice cream. I snuck downstairs and realised that the Allies were sitting around the dining table. I snuck past them and into the kitchen. I grabbed a tub of ice cream from the freezer and a spoon and walked back upstairs, glaring daggers into the back of my brother's head the whole time, trying to make him feel uncomfortable without him knowing it was me.

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