The 21st Day of HetaChristmas - Latvia

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Now, it's Latvia's turn. Sorry for getting your hopes up yesterday but, I couldn't think of one for Latvia. However, I now have an idea.

Things to note for this oneshot:
1. You are Malta's sister (Cause I can)
2. This will probably include swearing
3. This will also probably include some British 'slang' (Aka the use of the word 'bloody' a lot)
4. In this oneshot, there will be the game 'Never Have I Ever'
5. You're the same age as Latvia


"So (Y/n), you got a crush on anyone?"

"No, I don't. Why would you think that, Scarlett?"

"Come on, I know you do. Who is it!" she persisted.

"You know, you start acting like your 2p! More every day. I'm not telling you! Because then you'll use it against me!"

"No, I won't. Please? I won't tell them."

"Fine. It's Raivis."

This set her off into her fangirl mode, "Oh my, you two would be such a cute couple!"

"Don't you bloody dare tell him, Scarlett!"

"Chill, (Y/n). I won't tell him. Now, I'm going to go and get Mattie's Christmas present. I still haven't got him one and I want to make this year special," she replied before walking off.


"So Dudes and Dudettes! Let's play a game!"

"As long as it's not Seven Minutes in Heaven or Spin the Bottle, we can play, Alfred. If it is, then, well, I don't think you want to be explaining to the hospital about how you managed to break your arm on Christmas Day, now would you?" Scarlett threatened him, placing a hand on the metal pipe that Ivan had given her.

"Chill, Dudette! I was going to suggest a simple game of never Have I Ever. It's a great game!"

"If everyone else will play, I'm in," Scarlett replied, after rolling her eyes at the American.

"Great! Anyone else up for it?"

We all said a variation of 'Okay' or 'yes' in our native languages and made a circle on the floor.

"Hold on, what's going to be the punishment if you have done the thing?" Before Alfred could reply, Scarlett shot up and dashed off to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later, a bottle of orange juice in her hand (I couldn't think of anything else, okay.) "We can use this. We don't want anyone getting drunk so, if we use orange juice, it's a drink but no-one gets drunk. And we can just keep a tally of how many drinks everyone has to take of this."

"Great idea, Dudette!"

So, the game started with Alfred going first, as per usual whenever we played these sorts of games, "Never have I ever...enjoyed Iggy's cooking." I turned to my left to see Scarlett drinking the orange juice out of shot glass. Even I hadn't liked our father's cooking. Although it wasn't that he burnt everything, it was more to the fact that I just didn't like the food.

"Really Dudette?!"

"Yep, you all just don't know his cooking when it's just us at home."

The game continued and we went around in the circle, soon, it came to Scarlett's turn, "Never have I ever," she paused for a second and I noticed a smirk on her face, "Attempted to get Father to marry me," said smirk only got bigger as Francis took a drink of orange juice," Chérie, you know you shouldn't target one person."

"I don't care, Francypants."

Throughout the game, I noticed a few things happening: Alfred and Francis were trying to target Father, purposely saying things that only he had done and as a rebuttal, Scarlett started targeting the two of them by saying things like, "Never have I ever, started a war out of a want for freedom." causing Alfred to take a drink and "Never have I ever taken over a country because I thought that they looked 'beautiful'." causing Francis to take a drink (Cause he'd taken over Scarlett herself - and she still hated the Frenchman for it). However, it was once we'd nearly gone through the whole bottle of orange juice, which didn't take too long, I noticed Scarlett's smirk grow and she turned to me, "Never have I ever, had a crush on one of the Baltics."

My face lit up bright red and I reached for my shot glass, taking a drink of the orange juice inside. I turned towards where the Baltics we sitting to see all three of them, red-faced. I quickly turned my attention to the now empty shot glass in front of me, "Never have I ever, kissed Matthew."

"No shame!" Scarlett spoke up before drinking the contents of her shot glass again. She put it down and turned to her other side before kissing him again, causing the Canadian's face to turn beat red.


"So, (Y/n), which one of us do you have a crush on?" Tolys asked me as the three of them walked up to me, being the last to leave. My face turned red and I looked down at the ground, but before I could answer his question, I heard Scarlett's voice from the kitchen, "Just tell him, (Y/n)! I know for a fact that Raivis feels the same way." With that, both Tolys and Eduard pushed Raivis towards me and dashed out the house. My face turned even redder and I noticed that Raivis's was the exact same. "(Y/n), I-I love you!" he squeaked out.

I smiled and replied, "I love you too, Raivis." With that said, be pinned me against the wall and kissed me, something that I happily returned. We broke odd and I whispered, "I've loved you since I first met you."

"Same here, (Y/n)," he replied, before going on his way, leaving the house, where the other Baltics and Ivan were standing waiting for him. I managed to catch a snippet of their conversation before I closed the door, "Well dome, Latvia. I'm proud."

"Thank you, Mr Russia."

I smiled to myself and walked back into the living room, immediately regretting it as I had caught Scarlett and Matthew in the middle on a make-out session. I just smiled to myself and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I was glad I had my own room now, as it meant that I had been able to keep all the drawings I'd done of Raivis out of Scarlett's sight rather than her being able to see them at any point when we'd been sharing a room, which was before Matthew moved in with us. Ever since they'd started dating, and eventually when Matthew proposed to her, Father thought it would be better for him to live with us. We originally had a spare room with a double bed in it as well as Father's room and the room that me and Scarlett shared, but when Matthew moved in with us, he and Scarlett moved into the spare room, with Father's permission of letting them share a bed, and I got our old room to myself, although, her bed stayed there in case I ever wanted to bring a friend over, they could sleep on that bed rather than on the floor.


Sorry for the random rant at the end, I just wanted to add it.

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