The 1st Day of HetaChristmas - Sweden

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First one...


"Deck the halls with bows of holly. Fa la la la la la, la la la la.." I continued singing to myself while helping Tino decorate the Nordic household for Christmas. I'd just put up the tinsel around the door frame of the living room and smiled to myself.

"(Y/n), can you help me decorate the tree?" I turned around to face Tino and nodded, walking over to where he was standing by the tree. He placed the box of decorations down and I opened it. The two of us started decorating the tree, doing the lights first.


"(Y/n), do you want to put the star on?"

My face lit up, "Yes! Can I?! Please?!"

Tino chuckled, "Yes. Here," he spoke, handing me the star. I smiled an climbed up the step ladder. I noticed Tino holding the bottom of it and rolled my eyes, "Tino, it's a tiny step ladder. You don't need to hold it."

"I don't want you to fall, (Y/n)."

"Relax, I'll be-" I was cut off when I stepped on the edge of the ladder and fell off. I closed my eyes, preparing to his the floor, but instead, my fall was broken. I opened my eyes to see that I was lying on top of Tino and he had a bright red fae, "Can't breathe." I quickly got off of him, "Sorry Tino. I guess you were right, huh?"

"It's okay, (Y/n). You didn't mean to fall but this is why we take these safety precautions."

"Yeah, you're right," I giggled, leaning up and pecking his cheek, "Thanks for breaking my fall."

"N-No problem, (Y/n)."

However, at the time, I was unaware of the pair of blue eyes looking at the two off us and I didn't hear the words spoken, "My w'f'."


I was woken up, not by my alarm this time, well, unless Tino counts as an alarm. He burst into my room, "(Y/n)! Merry Christmas!" he shouted in his usual cheery and happy tone. However, behind this, I could sense there was something off, he was overly giddy this time. I just put the thought to the side, "Give me five minutes to get ready, Tino."

He nodded and walked back out my room, closing the door behind him. I smiled and pulled the covers off, getting up and out of bed before walking into the bathroom. I did my morning routine before walking downstairs to see Peter running around like crazy and the five Nordics all sitting in the living room too. Peter, upon noticing I had entered the room, ran up to me, "(Y/n)! Merry Christmas!" I giggled and ruffled his hair, "Merry Christmas to you too, Peter."


Once the presents had all been opened, I noticed both Peter and Tino with smirks on their faces. However, before I could say anything, the two of them stood up and started running around the house. I, being the responsible adult I was, stood up as well and started to chase Peter, not noticing that Berwald had done the same but going after Tino. A few minutes later, I was out of breath, however, I was still chasing Peter. I was also unaware, because I was too distracted by Peter, that I'd bumped into Berwald who was leaning up against the door frame. My face lit up red, but before I could say anything, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him, kissing me. If my face could get any redder, trust me it would, but I took the chance I had and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

What happened next, surprised me, his eyes widened. We soon broke off due to lack of oxygen and I smiled shyly, but, once again, before I could speak, Berwald beat me to it. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my into him, "My w'f'. I l'v' y'', (Y/n)." (I love you)

This made me smile, I'd had a crush on him for ages. I just smiled more and leaned into him, "I love you too, but let's stick to my being your girlfriend for now, okay? Merry Christmas," I replied leaning up and pecking his cheek.

He nodded, "My g'rlfr''nd."

I smiled again and snuggled into him again.

----------------The Next Day - Extended Ending

"Yo! Dude, did you get it?!"

"Yep! Yesterday was great enough to even change Norge's facial expression!"


First one done! 24 more to go, but 2 more for tonight.

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