Surprise! (Hetalia (Mainly England) x Reader)

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I randomly thought of this. Again, I am working on the request I have. Just so you know, in this you're married to Arthur but this is mainly with all the countries.

(C/f) - Country's flag


Hopefully, everyone will like these. This has taken ages. I was sitting on my bed in the house that I shared with Arthur, sewing. I was busy making tiny little plushies of everyone for Christmas and I was getting worried that they wouldn't like them. I had bought a lot of wrapping paper in different colours, so I could wrap them all up in the colours of their flag with the gist tags looking like the flag. Do you know how many countries have a red, white and blue colour scheme for the flag. (Britain, France, America, Netherlands, Russia along with lots of others.) 

"And done!" I exclaimed quietly to myself, I was still hidden in my room while everyone was downstairs doing who knows what (Although, Gilbert and Ludwig (Along with Mattias) were probably drunk by now). I had finally finished Feli's plushie of himself. Both him and Romano took a while due to their curls (The same went for Matthew). I had also made something for each of them that was associated with their country (Matthew had a mini Kuma (As well as a tiny maple leaf), Arthue had a mini cup of tea, Alfred a burger, Francis a rose, Feli a plate of pasta, both Antonio and Romano had a tomato, as well as others for different countries - Some were harder than others). I had just finished wrapping them all when there was a knock on my bedroom door, "(Y/n), are you in there? Everyone's wondering where you are."

"Yes, I'm in here, Arthur but please don't come in. Could you do me a huge favour and get everyone out of the living room? Also how many of them are drunk?"

"Just the two Germans and the Dane and yes, I'll get everyone out for you." I then heard the footsteps walking away and I breathed a sigh of relief. I put all the little plushies in a box before walking downstairs to the living room. After checking that Arthur had completed his mission, I knelt down beside the tree and put the box of plushies under it. I then went to find everyone. I found them easily, "Pasta! Germany can we get some pasta?!"

"Not now!"

"Um guys, we can do presents now if that's okay with everyone," I spoke from behind the group who were all outside.

"(Y/n)!" Feli shouted when he spotted me, "I was wondering where you were!" He ran up to me and tackled me in a hug.

"Sup Dudette!"

"Alfred," I replied stopping him before he could tackle me to the ground.

"I think (Y/n) is right, time for presents."

We walked back inside and sat down in the living room. Peter, for some reason, decided to jump on my lap.

"Peter, get off of your mother!"

"It's okay, Peter. You can stay on my lap if you want to," I replied glaring at Arthur before leaning in and whispering in Peter's ear, "Just don't lean back too far, okay?" He nodded, "Can we do presents now?!"

"I think you're right, Peter. Go and pick one to give to someone, but leave the big box at the back to the end okay?"

"Okay!" he hopped off my lap and went to retrieve a present. He looked at the label before walking back over to me, "For you," he spoke, handing the wrapped gift to me. I took it and read the label again just to check before unwrapping in tantonisingly slowly just to tease Peter, "Just open it!" he squeaked getting impatient. I giggled and ruffled his hair before unwrapping the gist properly. When I had, my face lit up, "Peter, did you make this?"

He nodded, "Yes! Papa helped me though."

I smiled at his effort before proceeding to wrap the (C/f) scarf around my neck, "Thank you, Peter. This will certainly be useful."


Soon, all the presents were unwrapped and opened. All that was left was the box of plushies, Please like this. They took a year to make. I stood up and got the box, handing the respective wrapped plushie to each nation. However, I left Arthur's in the box, I had a special surprise for him that he'd have to wait for, "You'll get yours last, Arthur," I spoke before he could protest.

"That's fine by me, Love. Whatever you want is fine."

"You can open them by the way. They're not just balls of wrapping paper."

Everyone looked at me before turning back to the present in their hands. They were soon opened and everyone's mouths fell agape, "(Y/n) did you-a make these?"

"Yes, I did."

"How long did they all take?"

"About a week each. I've been working on them since last Christmas. Although some of them took longer due to certain features," I responded, trying not to point any fingers. (Hair curls/glasses and Kuma).

"Wow, that's a lot of effort."

"Well, I wanted to  make it special."

"Why? This is-a just the same as all the-a other Christmases, right Bella?!"

"No, not really," I replied taking Arthur's plushie out the box and handing it to him, "You can unwrap yours now." He did so and when he did, a little piece of paper fell out of it. He admired the plushie, "Thank you for not over-exagerating my eyebrows love. I appreciate it."

"I did try to make them as realistic as possible. And for the record, you don't look like you have caterpillars on your forehead. Now look at the note."

He turned his attention to the note and as he read down I noticed a smile appearing on his face. He looked up at me when he'd finished reading it, "Is it true?"

"Yes, 100% fact, Arthur. I'm not lying."

"That's good. I would have got my hopes up for no reason."

"Can you please tell us what's going on Dudette?!"

"Why should I tell you when I can show you?" I asked pointing to the other bit of paper that had fallen from Arthur's wrapped plushie. He beat down and picked it up, "Is this?"

"Yes, it is, Arthur. You're child," I replied placing a hand on his cheek and the other on my stomach, "Don't worry you'll be fine."

"So you're?!"

"Yes, Alfred. I'm pregnant."

"How long have you known?"

"A month or so."

"(Y/n), you should have told me."

"I just wanted to make it an amazing surprise and Christmas seemed like the perfect time to tell you. Although, the little guy's been in here for 3 months," I responded, rubbing my stomach.

"I love you. Both of you."

"I love you too, Arthur."

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