Dances for Love (Romano x Dancer! Reader)

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"Come on, Lovi! Dance with me!"

"No, bella, I-a love you and all-a but Ia don't dance!"

"Come on, Lovi! Please!"

"No, Bella!"

"Okay, fine! I'll see if Feli will want to dance with me!" I shouted before running off out the house I shared with Lovino. Why? I've done so much for you, Lovi! Why can't you just do one thing for me?! Why did I say yes to marrying you?!


You-a idiot! (Y/n) has-a sacrificed so much for you-a! The least you could-a do is dance with her!

I slapped my forehead before remembering something. I picked up my phone and called someone, "Oi! Tomato-bastard! I-a need your-a help!"

"What is it this time, Lovi? I'd be happy to help."

"Well, I-a need you-a to teach me how to dance. I-a feel really bad. (Y/n) only wanted to-a dance with-a me and I-a denied her. You-a have to help me learn how to dance, mainly waltzing! There's-a no way that I-a will be-a ready for our-a wedding if I-a can't waltz!"

The bastard chuckled, "I understand, Lovi. But I can't help you with that, I don't know how to waltz myself, but I can get someone else to help you."

"I don't care who helps my I-a just want someone to-a help me-a!"

"Okay, Roma, I'll ask them and they should be around tomorrow."

------------A few weeks later - Your POV

"You look amazing, (Y/N)!"

"Thanks, Scarlett, but you looked beautiful on your wedding day."

Said girl chuckled, "(Y/n), please. It's a bloody compliment! Take it. Or I won't help you get ready"

"Okay, geez!" I responded, "You've done an amazing job! Thank you so much, for doing this for me! You should be a hairdresser!"

"hmhm, then this hairstyle I've done on you wouldn't be one of a kind now would it?"

"I guess not."

"And there we go! All done!"

"Thanks, Scarlett."

"No time to waste! Come on, you've got to get to the church!"


"May I-a have this dance, (Y/n)?"

"I thought you didn't dance, Lovi?"

"Well, (Y/n) some things do-a help. Also, we do have to-a have our first dance as-a husband and wife, right-a?"

I smiled and stood up, "In that case, of course."

He stood up and we started dancing. Surprisingly, he didn't put a single foot wrong and once we'd finished, I pounced on him,  "I love you. So so much, Lovi. How did you manage to learn how to waltz in 2 weeks?!"

"I-a had some help from someone," he replied, looking towards Roderich. The Austrian smiled slightly and so did I. I leaned my head on Lovi's shoulder, "I love you. So much more than you know, Lovi."

"Ti amo anch'io, Bella."

I smiled and leaned up, kissing him.

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