Positive Support (Germany x Tourettes! Reader)

726 17 3

Requested By: OWOwhodis

I would like to thank my friend @h0pefulk0maru for writing this for me. I have been busy lately and they've been a lot of help. I have a feeling this won't be the only one that they'll write for me.

Things to note for this oneshot:
1. This includes @h0pefulk0maru's OC, Transylvania, and you should also go and check out their story "Their World: Transylvania's story" which is on their Wattpad account.


It was a pretty ordinary day. I was simply walking my dog. Unlike any other ordinary person, there were stares... lots of them. Of course, as I said before, it was normal for me. Just a simple day in the life of a person with Tourette's syndrome.

I ignored them, acknowledging them would make the ticks worse... I just focused on my little Yorkipoo, Cinnamon, oblivious to the staring masses around us.

Just a little longer until we get to the training centre... I thought to myself, anticipating the moment I would walk into the centre's doors, where my coworkers and customers were kind and welcoming.

Finally, I fastly paced to the centre, pushing the doors open with a relieved sigh and a head jerk.

I look in front of me to see Mavis, the young woman who works at the desk of the dog training centre. While juggling a relationship, a music career, as well as this job to earn some cash, she looked exhausted. Mavis's eyebags were obviously apparent, while her short dark hair was dishevelled more than usual.

"Rough week, Mavis?" I asked the tired woman.

"More like rough life, (Y/n)." Mavis responded, yawing mid-sentence, "Alfred made me watch 'The Conjuring' with him PROMISING that he wouldn't be scared shitless, but GUESS WHAT?!?! HE KEPT ME UP ALL NIGHT!!! God, I love that man, but sometimes I just wanna PUNCH HIM."

I laughed as Mavis comically gripped her hair and rested her head on the desk with a THUMP.

I ticked, whistling and snapping my fingers, "Well I hope you get some rest tonight, Mavis! You definitely deserve it."

Not looking up, Mavis put a thumbs up as thanks, as I walked to the studio where I was set up.

I had an appointment scheduled for noon, and it's... 11:53. I'm sure he'll be here soon.

I called Cinnamon over, who ran over to me energetically, tail wagging. For the next few minutes. I went over some tricks with the puppy, who happily complied.

"You must be the dog trainer." A militaristic sounding man with a strong German accent snapped me out of my thoughts with a jolt... literally and figuratively.

Because of the sudden appearance of my customer, a series of stutters and ticks were triggered.

The German man got visibly nervous after a few seconds, "A-Are you okay?!"

"I-I-I-I am fine. I have Tourette's syndrome." I looked down, embarrassed, my ticking finally cooled down.

"Oh... That's good." I finally took a good look at the man. He had golden blonde hair, with blue eyes, and a pretty bulky and muscular physique. He's pretty handsome...

I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head as I went to put Cinnamon in her playpen. I walked back to the man and stuck out my hand for him to shake, "I'm sorry for that terrible introduction... I'm (Y/n) (L/n), and him over there is my dog, Cinnamon."

The man nodded his head as he shook my hand, "Ludwig Beilscmidt. The pleasure is mine."

My eyes trailed to the floor to see a mischievous pomeranian, nothing like the dog you'd expect a serious man like him to have.

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