Satisfied (Austria x Hungary's Sister! Reader)

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Yes, this is partly based off of the Hamilton song... Don't judge me!
"(Y/n)! I vant to introduce jou to my boyfriend!"

I turned around at my sister's voice, a smile on my face. I was happy that she found someone. However, this smile faltered the minute I saw who's arm she was clinging onto. Elizabeta ran up to me, clinging onto Roderich's arm. I put on a fake smile and spoke, "I'm glad for jou, Lizzie. I'm glad jou finally got a boyfriend."

"I knew jou'd be supportive, (Y/n)!" she squealed hugging me. I faked a smile again and patted her back.
Over the years that they were dating, I tried to forget my feelings for Roderich, but whenever I saw him, they kept coming back. However, it was one day that really had me crushed beyond fixing.

"(Y/n), may I talk to jou for a minute?"

"Huh? O-Oh yeah, of course jou can, Roderich," I replied turning around at his voice.

"I vas wondering vether jou'd give me permission to ask Elizabeta to marry me."

I felt my heart break, but I nodded, "Yes, I'll give jou my permission." My sister's happiness was more important to me than my own after all and there was no way that Roderich didn't love her, or else he'd never have asked me to let him marry her. After he walked off, I ran home and into my bedroom, crying. That tiny dash of hope that he might break up with her was destroyed.

After Elizabeta and Roderich got married, I started to shut myself out from the world, literally. I didn't turn up to world meetings sometimes and whenever Alfred had one of his spontaneous parties, I opted to stay at home rather than go like I usually would. Surprisingly, no one noticed for a while until one day. After a world meeting that Alfred had forced me to, after I'd missed the past like 5, as I was packing up my stuff, Arthur approached me, "Are you alright, Love?"

"Yep! Just peachy," I replied, trying not to let the tears that wanted to fall, fall.

"That won't cut it, Love. Why are you upset?"

I took a deep breath and sat on the table. After making sure no one else was in the room, I spoke, "Remember what I told jou and my crush? Well, that's ze problem. I can't let go of my feelings for him. I gave him up so my sister vould be happy but I don't know how long I can keep zis fake smile up for." I finally let some of the tears fall, "Und, it's even vorse ven I have to see zem being all lovey-dovey everyday."

"Love, I know this is a long-shot, but, if you wanted to, you could come and live with me. That way you wouldn't have to see them acting all quote on quote, 'lovey-dovey'."

I smiled up at him, tears in my eyes, "Jou'd do zat for me?" He nodded and I smiled. A real smile. The first one since Elizabeta had told me she was dating Roderich, "Thank jou, Arthur. Zat means a lot."
A few years later, I found out something; I didn't know how long for, but Elizabeta had been having an affair... With Gilbert. When I found out, I was heartbroken. Yes, she didn't know that I had feelings for Roderich, but she shouldn't just take advantage of it. One day, I decided to confront her about it,"Lizzie, vy?"

"Vy, vat?"

"Vy have jou been cheating on Roderich?"

"Oh zat. Vy do jou care anyvay? It's my life, I should be allowed to do vat I vant, right?"

This set be off and I shoute at her, "DO JOU VANT KNOW VY I CARE?! BECAUSE I LOVE RODERICH! I GAVE HIM UP SO JOU COULD BE HAPPY! I LET HIM MARRY JOU BECAUSE JOUR HAPPINESS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN ZE WORLD TO ME! BUT NOW, NOW I VISH I HADN'T! I SACRIFICED MY HAPPINESS FOR JOU AND ZIS IS MY REPAYMENT?!" I now had tears in my eyes, "I didn't say anything because I knew jou loved him, but now I'm questing zat as vell."

IT was then that I heard a cough from the doorway. I turned to see Roderich, tears in the corner of his eyes. I turned back to Lizzie, who gulped and looked down at her feet. I shook my head and approached, Roderich, "I'm sorry jou had to find out zis vay, Roderich. Unfortunately, it's ze truth; Lizzie been cheating on jou for ze past year," I spoke, glaring at my sister.

"Ja, but Elizabeta?"

My sister looked up at him, "Ja?"

"Go and be vith Gilbert if jou vant, but if he cheats on you or something like zat, zen I von't be where for jou when jou come running back to me!"

I looke between the two of them, surprised; Roderich had never been this angry before and I'd never seen Lizzie like this either. Lizzie just nodded, "I understand. I know it vas vong of me and I understand if jou never vant to see me again." With that, she walked out the door. I smiled sadly and turned to Roderich, who spoke when I did, "Jou know, (Y/n), I don't really mind. It vas a few years ago actually, that I realised vhere my true feeling lied."

"Vat do jou mean?"

"I mean, Ich liebe dich, (Y/n)."

"Vat?! But zen vy did jou ask me for permission to marry Lizzie?!"

He took a deep breath and looked down at his feet, "Vell, I believed jou'd never feel ze same so, I tried to divert my feelings. I realise now zat it vasn't ze smartest idea. I'f I'd known jou felt zat vay, zan I vould have married jou." I was confused and was about to ask what he meant, when he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me. I melted into it immediately and kissed him back. I'd wanted this for so long and I was not going to waste the opportunity!

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