27 Snow Angels-Kidgemas 2020

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There is just something  about the first snow fall that is just magical. Pidge loves seeing that blanket of white. A fresh start. Maybe they didn't get a white Christmas but looking outside from the window, she found a sense of peace and contentment. She turned to stare at her husband who was still sleeping in bed with their youngest son Finn sprawled over him. Both with one foot outside of the blanket. She smiled, it was rare she was awake before Keith, and especially Finn. She could hear her other two in the bathroom and moving around the kitchen, respectively, knowing this would be the last moment of silence until everyone crashes at the end of the day.

Sighing she went to make coffee and decided to give her hubs a treat, it looks like she would be making breakfast today versus the usual of Keith preparing everyone their favorites.

A few hours later, Pidge was watching her oldest concentrate so hard on making a perfect snow angel. He had scoped out the back yard and has decided on the perfect spot. He was biting his lip, she knew he was calculating the angle so he didn't land weird. He angled himself and flopped down in a perfect starfish position, flapping both his arms and legs at just the right speed to smooth out the snow, without going to close to the ground. He jumped up (by way of a rope tied to the deck) so she didn't mess up his silhouette, and yelled, "Mom, Dad-look!!"

She smiled and managed to snap a quick picture before Finn literally ran right over and through Drew's angel. Demolishing the angel and the surrounding ground around it, in perhaps two seconds. Keith groaned, "Oh no, that's going to be a fight."

Pidge quickly checked her phone, "DON'T WORRY DREW!! I GOT A PICTURE and ROVER 6.0 HAS A VIDEO!!!"

However, that did not stop the righteous anger of her son. He yelled and gave chase, which just riled up the dogs and caused Abbey, her middle child, to squeal and cheer on Drew. Finn was quick though and had his dad's reflexes, causing the yard to lose the beauty of fresh fallen snow and more look like a mud pit.

Oh well, this is going to be a great story...in about ten years.

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