Day 11 and 12

341 12 2

Sorry I keep forgetting to post-people in my fam are getting sick so stay safe!

11 Love Potion/Cauldron

Lance and Hunk are in Shiro's kitchen mixing some ingredients in a huge pot. Well Hunk is, Lance is dancing around cackling like an idiot. Hunk shakes his head, "Lance stop, it's just an old Altean recipe for soup, it's not a cauldron, witches brew, love potion or anything else you've seen on tv.."

Lance groans, "Hunk, stop ruining all my fun. It's almost Halloween and if I say your pot is a cauldron filled with a love potion...well, then it is! Let me have my fun!"

Hunk sighs, "Whatever Lance. You are certainly in a good mood so who am I to change it."

Hours later, Lance convinces Hunk to play some video games. They leave the soup on the stove and forget all about it. Hours later, Pidge and Keith walk in from a walk with Cosmo and BeyBey. Shrugging off their coats and placing their boots by the door, Pidge is complaining about the shift In temperature, hating that it's colder than she'd like or feels comfortable in.

Keith retorts, "Stop! I gave you my gloves and scarf! You cannot be that cold."

Pidge returns, "Dude, what guy wears a scarf?!? I did YOU a favor! If Lance saw you in that, he'd have a field day. owe me!"

Keith sighs, "Oh, what do I owe you?"

"Well, I did save your manly pride and I missed lunch because you insisted on walking the whole path... so really you owe me two things."

"Okay, well, it looks like soup is ready...I'll service ya."

PIdge can feel her face turn red but marches forward and ignores the innuendo. He's been doing that all day and Pidge is starting to feel like he is doing it on purpose.

Hours later...

After dinner, they cleared the table and settled in for the nights entertainment. Shiro sat at the end of the table with Curtis at the opposite end. Lance and Hunk are on one side with Keith, Pidge and Matt squished in on the opposite with Pidge in the center. The group is playing their first game Uno third round when Lance notices...a lot. A lot of little things.

Keith keeps touching PIdge. Like a lot. And she hasn't hit him. At all. They are small innocent touches, he'll grant ya. But, he could tell. Keith's leg keeps shifting and he can see Pidge adjusting. Then his arm was on her chair. His hand grazes hers as he goes for a card. Or he leans close like he's cheating and sneaking a peak at her cards yet, Lance can tell he is not looking at the cards in her hands. Keith isn't smooth typically and he is much too in tune with his body for these touches to be accidental. Then there is the shoulder bumps, when Keith usually rarely touches any of them. So what's going on?

Then there's the LOOKS. WTF?!? When he passes out the cards, his gaze in on hers? Like moody which is Keith but doesn't he need to see who he's sliding cards to? He just keeps looking at her and what the heck? Lance was sure to count his cards and they were right. But, it's weird.

Then there's the fact he isn't slamming her with the draw 4's. He'll reverse then use them on poor Curtis. Lance can't figure it out so when Hunk goes to the kitchen to get snacks he pops up to help him. Then he corners Hunk.

"Dude, have you noticed the thing that is going on with Keith and Pidge? It's like he's flirting with her!!! Tell me you saw it." He urgently whispers.

Hunk pauses in his organizing of snacks. He looks up and slowly nods. "Yeah, he's a little more relaxed but that's it. Why?"

"Well, I was just thinking, what if they ate the soup and, well, don't get mad but what if it was a love potion?"

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