Kidgetober 22-24

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Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate. My whole family is sick so it wasn't the Thanksgiving I hoped for but what are you going to do!


Drew was currently in bed, all tucked in with a small night light on. He could hear the wind blowing, see the shadows in his room and then thought he heard a creak. Scared, he wanted to yell for his dad or his mom. But they were sleeping. His sister and brother were sleeping and he was all alone.

He was afraid. And he hated it. He was the big brother who was supposed to be brave and smart. Not afraid to get out from the covers and not afraid because his closet door wasn't closed all the way. He didn't want to be a big baby.

He closed his eyes and tried to breathe but he was breathing too fast and he wanted to cry. Suddenly his door opened and he screamed. He looked up, sure that the monster was coming to get him!

Then he heard his dad's voice, calling him and suddenly he was being picked up and held tightly. He took a deep breath and could smell his dad. Whatever it was that he smelled he just relaxed and held on. Crying.

His dad was telling him it was okay and he was safe. He had him. He heard footsteps and then he heard him mom and she was there too. On the other side of him, holding him too. Finally, he calmed down.

Face down, he knew he had to tell them. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not brave like you. I got scared, I thought I saw a monster and, and, I"

That's when his mom picked him up and she walked them to their room. She laid him on the bed and both of them got in with him, and he felt himself calming down. Finally, his dad said, "Drew, there is nothing wrong with being scared. Everyone gets scared and I'll be the first to tell you that there are monsters out there, though some are better at hiding than others."

Then his mom hugged and he snuggled in, laying his head on her shoulder but still feeling his dad's hand on his back.

Then mom whispers, "But the thing to remember is that you aren't alone. EVER. Even when you feel like you are, all you have to do is call us. We'll be there and let me tell you, me and your dad, well, we are badasses and we don't quit. And fortunately for you, you're pretty smart and tough too. So don't be afraid of the monsters in the dark, or the light. Because you have a family who will always be there for you."

She kisses his forehead and Drew can feel himself relax. She's right. But of course his mom is always right.

Later, Keith murmurs to his wife, "Katie, should I take him back to bed?"

"No, let him sleep here with us. I want him to wake up knowing we were there for him. Besides, I have a feeling that this little guy won't be having many more nights where we can save him so easily."

Keith responds, "Oh definitely. Those monsters have no clue what to do with a Holt/Kogane kid!"

She laughs softly, "So true. Honestly, I'm just glad you heard him. Love you babe."

23 | Urban Legends

Pidge has a plan to visit Chicago, where just outside the city there is an urban legend called Resurrection Mary. Apparently a young woman was killed in a car accident on her way of going out and now it's said she haunts the road where she died. She has been reported in the bar going so far as to dance with guys and get in the car with them before disappearing. She's buried in the cemetery along the road and well. Pidge thinks it would be neat to see a ghost and this one seems nice so why not. She just finished a big project and needs to recharge. This is totally something in her wheel house and after some internal debate has decided to make it a road trip.

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