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So yeah, late again but better than never! I had some trouble with this one but ultimately liked where it went! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and are enjoying some down time! Of course now that I'm feeling better my son is sick and the hubs is coughing so JOY!

Day 5 22 Chimney

Christmas vacation this year involved a lodge that Shiro and Curtis rented for the group to have a place to gather for whatever day worked for them. Katie was not looking forward to going. She had a lot of work, and it seemed like a hassle to go up to some cabin.

Unfortunately, Shiro talked to her mom, and her choice in the matter quickly vanished. Instead, she was in the car with Matt and on her way to the cabin. Her parents were in Italy visiting family, and Matt was her keeper. Honestly, it's like she's not even an adult.

Once they got to the cabin, she realized more people were there than planned but missing. Those who are still off the planet. Which made her sad. She missed them all being together, and yes, she knew there were new and notable additions to their little group. Curtis is great. James is great. Ina and Veronica are all great.

But missing Allura was a weight she didn't think would hit as hard. Then there was Lance trying to put on his best face so no one would worry. Which just made her worry more. Katie hated being in such a negative head space, but her heart was pretty heavy at this point. Feeling like she was getting a cold, she opted to sleep in and not go for the skiing portion of the trip.

Which is why she was currently in the house alone, lying on the couch with a bag of Doritos, kitkats, and Coke. She was freezing, but apparently, the fireplace didn't work. She sighed and looked around for a blanket. Suddenly, the front door slammed, and cold air wafted in.

"What the fuck?! Close the door unless someone is dying!"

"Not dying-just tired!"

Katie jackknife up. "KEITH?!"

"Hey, I told you I'd make it! I keep my promises, brat."

Katie just stared. She didn't think he'd show. He's missed the last few meetings, galas, and even Shiro's last birthday. What made him come?

Keith dropped his duffle bag, kicked the door shut, and started taking off his coat and shoes. As he hung them up, she could see him sneaking glances her way. What is he thinking? Katie felt her face getting hot, and now she crouched on her knees., peering over the couch. He straightens and walks purposefully toward her.

"Why is it so cold when there's that huge fireplace there?"

"Well, something is wrong with the chimney, so you can't start a fire."

"Who said?"

"Um, Curtis, they tried before we got here and ~"

"Yeah, I got this. I'll have you warmed up in no time." He swipes a heavy blanket as he says this and tosses it to me. What is he playing with?

I watch him, huddled in the blanket, as he takes off his sweatshirt and leans into the chimney. He pulls out a tool from the side and starts poking and prodding. Then he repeatedly pulls on some lever, and then he jumps up. He whistles for Cosmo, and they disappear for a few minutes. Suddenly back and cold, he grins at me as Cosmo jumps right onto my lap. Which means he's sprawled on top of me. As I give my favorite space dog some hugs and rubs, I find that I can't take my eyes off Keith.

His hair is damp now and despite how cold it is he appears to be sweating. His T-shirt is slightly dirty, and his jeans have a streak of ash or dirt across his butt, like he wiped his hands on them. He grabs for the firewood and somehow in less time that I could blink he has a fire going.

He stands up, nods and turns towards to me. Just staring. I don't know why I feel my heart racing. Or why my body temperature is suddenly spiking.

He walks over and kneels on the floor in front of me grabbing a hand. Looking down, he mutters, "Shiro said, it was fine if I couldn't make it. He usually growls or orders. Instead, he said, he invited the MFE's and that he understood if I had stuff going on. He, um, said that you and James were getting friendly and that he'd take of you."

Katie's mouth opened to say she could take care of her damn self when Keith pulled her hand and she tumbled into his lap. He moved her so was straddling him and Katie again felt the temperature rise in the room.

"I found, that...that, idea of him taking care of you...well it really pissed me off. I don't want him to take care of you. I don't want your name linked to his, like James and Katie. Or Katie and James." He pulled her even closer, and Katie found it really difficult to remember how to breathe. "It's supposed to be us. We're Keith and Pidge, Keith and Katie, fuck, we ARE my endgame. So, um, what do you think? Miss me, a little? Maybe wanna see me daily in person versus in links?"

Katie could feel her eyes fill with tears. Shit, she just about gave up on him ever, ever picking her. She stared into his eyes and took a slow intake of air. He actually looked scared. Like he didn't just give her all her dreams tied up in a little bow.

So, she what she could in the moment and nodded. And when she felt the tension leave his body, he pulled her close and said, "Baby, I love you so damn much.

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