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Kidgemas 2020

Just a bit late! Sorry and enjoy! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday!

25 Grinch

Pidge kissed her mom as tried to explain why it was important to leave the house on Christmas. Her mom was looking at her like she was the Grinch who stole all the presents!

"Mom, we are done! Everyone is getting ready to leave, seriously! Mom, mooommmmm, please don't be like this. Didn't I come home like a wonderful daughter yesterday? ON TIME, might I add. The mess is cleaned. I mean, aren't you tired?!?"

Hmmmmm. No change in expression. I glance frantically at my dad-he's my only hope at this point since Matt was already upstairs sleeping. Or so he says, but she bets he's on the phone with his new girlfriend. But is her mom concerned? Oh no, cuz physically his body is in the damn house.

Her mom sighs, a long and drawn out breath, "Fine, Katherine, if you feel the need to leave then go. If work is more important than being with your family, your parents, then go ahead and go. Even though I spent last Christmas alone, all alone, by myself not knowing where you were, if you were hurt, or even alive. But I understand, some things are more important...on CHRISTMAS."

Now, my dad was not even trying to make eye contact, instead he was shoveling cookies in his mouth like he was being timed. I sighed, I knew defeat when I saw it, "No mom, you are right. It can wait until tomorrow, in like ten hours."

There it is, my mom's brilliant smile. She walks over and hugs, no squeezes me, "Thanks baby girl."

I nod, and go to sit by the fireplace. We had already done the parents and family thing. But, if she was honest, she was feeling a little off. A little lonely. Which was stupid because she has her what she wanted. She reached the pinnacle. But here she was left feeling bereft.

She could hear the wind howling, shaking the windowpanes. No snow, just cold. Frigid cold. Darkness. She absently looked across the room at the blanket but didn't feel like getting up. She closed her eyes, trying to analyze herself like she would a glitch or work issue. She could hear her parents voices, low and murmuring. She could hear Matt's footsteps upstairs and yet-here she was all by herself. It's like she was looking in from outside.

Huh, this is probably what the Grinch felt like! It's like you could see all the fun and festivities but still feel separate. Pidge sighed, what should she do? What could she do? She wiped her face and simultaneously groaned. She hated crying, hated feeling sad. Shit, maybe she should just go to bed, tomorrow, she'd figure it out tomorrow. She stood and turned, only to bump into what felt like a warm wall.

She looked up, straight into Keith's violet eyes. She kinda shrieked and stepped back to only get tripped. Suddenly she found her face pressed in Keith's chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her. He laughed, "Sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to scare you. Or have Cosmo trip you!"

She looked down to see Cosmo there, basically pushing against her legs.

Pidge couldn't stop the smile or laugh that emerged. "Keith, Cosmo?"

"Hey, you're parents let us in. I'm sorry it's so late and we missed everything. I swear we were on time, but apparently my mom thought Christmas was the 26th not the 25th!! But, uh, it's the thought that counts right?"

Pidge smiled, and threw her arms around him, "Yeah, I'm so glad you made it." She looked up and saw his smile slowly fade into a more serious expression.

"Hey," his fingers slowly brushed her face, a finger catching a tear, "why were you crying? Are you okay, what happened?" His expression is full of nothing but concern and now Pidge is embarrassed.

"Oh nothing, it's just, holidays, I dunno. Nothing."

His gaze settled on her and just searched for the truth. She tried to hide it but, shit, it was Keith. He lowered his head until his forehead rested on hers. "I know, holidays can be hard, even when you are with your family. It's okay to But you know, I'm always here for you. Right? You know that right?"

I try and laugh his words off but, for some reason I can't. I moan, "Keith, you're busy. Shiro is busy and I'm just... just," suddenly his arms are holding me tight and suddenly the room is spinning, Cosmo is yipping?  And I'm suddenly sitting on Keith's lap and we are both on the couch. I don't even think I could be more embarrassed.

But then Keith haltingly states the words that make my heart flutter and expand three sizes. "Pidge, no, Katie, don't hide from me. I may be busy but I'm not satisfied either. I'm just treading water here. I've come to realize that sometimes, um, I took for granted a lot. And one of the things I realize I missed and well, you."

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