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I dont know why this isn't working but I'm having problems with the fonts. Sorry for any mistakes as always that's all me! I hope you enjoy this one shot and please let me know what you think or if you 'd like to see anything!

Pidge was working frantically to finish the project that she secretly viewed as her very own archenemy. The project was immense, which was fine. She didn't mind hard work and figuring out solutions was her forte. But about three months ago, everything went to hell. Nothing seemed to be going right and she was putting in so many hours at the lab. She pretty much started living her a month ago and still progress was slow going.

She secretly felt like she was being sabotaged.  Orders were mysteriously canceled, things were lost, data poofed out of existence. But knowing how tight security was...she shrugged it off, that was next month Pidge's problem and kept plugging away.

Unfortunately her anniversary is tomorrow and she really wanted to see Keith for a whole night not just a few minutes on the holopad or as they pass in the halls. So she had given herself an internal deadline last month. Tonight, specifically at midnight she needed to be done. Then they could celebrate and head to the ball this weekend. Or not depending on who all was going to go. Looking at the clock, she had two hours to go. Brad patted her shoulder, then his hand settled on her neck and asked if she ate. She smiled, "Yeah, I ate, dad. No worries."

He leaned in, whispering right in her ear. "Not dad. But I'm glad you ate." He squeezed her neck and gave her neck a few rubs. She felt a little weird with him touching her neck but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to make him feel bad and she didn't want to sound like a baby. So instead she just stood up and went to the other laptop to type up a few commands.

"I'll just tweak this and hopefully we hit the finish line!" Pidge refocused and tried to anticipate the needs of the next two hours. Finish line was in sight!

Meanwhile, Keith is at home with Cosmo wondering if he should make plans or not. He didn't want to pull Pidge away from work but she really needed a break. He thinks she may be losing weight and he knows she isn't sleeping or eating well. But he didn't want to seem pushy or unsupportive...which he has been told he can be. But he also knew she would keep pushing herself without taking into account her health.

As he's laying on the couch, Cosmo gets up and goes to the door. Knock, knock. Keith gets up and looks through his door, laughing he opens it, "What do you guys what?"

Lance and Hunk walked in. Lance laughs, "Yeah, it's your anniversary tomorrow and I doubt you know what to do, well, anything that's remotely romantic. I saw you got her a "

Hunk interrupts, "What Lance is trying to say, is do you need any help with your anniversary plans?"

As they sit in the front room, Keith sighs. "Pidge isn't done with her project so I've been debating what to do. Do I make plans? Make her come home? But I don't want her to think I don't understand how important what she is doing...I just don't know." Keith plops back on the couch groaning.

Hunk nods, "I get it. I haven't talked to her properly in months. But she has got to be running on fumes. AND we all know that she doesn't recognize her body's limits. What if I cook you guys an awesome dinner and you kidnap her and do your thing?"

Lance laughs, "You know, act all angsty and distract her. By the way, who is Brad?"

Keith stiffens and tries to appear nonchalant. "Brad, oh, he's her partner on the assignment. Some doctorate who knows quantum physics and a bunch of other things. Why?"

The guys exchange a look, so Keith interjects, "WHAT?!?"

Hunk starts, "Well, first, don't get mad. But we both noticed that our messages weren't be answered. Which is NOT like
Pidge. She usually won't answer when she's working but she always checks on them and replies. Always. So I was curious and ran a reverse program and realized that Pidge wasn't getting our messages. And when I backtracked, it looked like Brad was intercepting our calls and messages."

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