Day 4 Autumn Vibes - Sweaters & Scarves

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"Ms. Holt, or um Katie, right? Are you cold, do you want my sweater?"

Pidge internally groaned but outwardly gave no indication that she heard the officer. Or so she desperately hoped. This guy was seriously calling her Ms. Holt? After working on a project with her for six freaking months? Ugh.

THIS! This is why she didn't do after work project drinks. She didn't do well with small talk or faking interest. Everyone else was laughing and well onto their way of getting shit faced. And here she was sitting at the end of the bar counting down the minutes till she felt she could sneak out.

Bill was starting to take his sweater off so she sighed and replied, "No! No, thanks Bill but I'm good." Not knowing what else to say she just kept quiet hoping he'd leave her alone. Just leave already. She pulled out her data pad and jotted a few notes for her next project and saw a message from Lance bailing on her tonight. Damn. She hoped he was okay. While she hated get togethers Lance used to thrive on crowds, drinks and laughter. She was hoping he'd come out and have a little fun even if it sucked for her.

With him not coming, Pidge's internal countdown just sped up. A cough interrupts her thoughts and she looks to see Bill is now seated at her side, but he moved the bar stool so the was literally right next to her. What the literal hell?? Pidge puts down her data pad and looks into his eyes, which are way too close.

Leaning back she tries to find Veronica or Ina who are also at the bar. Damn, those girls were supposed to be her buffer! With no incoming help, Pidge decided to stand. "So hey, I'm just going to, um, go to the bathroom! So yeah, see ya Bill." She scrambled to the back of the bar where there was a short hall and the two restrooms. Rushing over she made sure to avoid other people. Closing the door and locking the single room Pidge looks in the mirror.

A young woman stared back, who if Pidge was honest, still was a bit of a shock whenever she caught her own reflection. She looked more like her mom than ever. While her hair was only slightly longer it was styled and cut in a what that looked like it was on purpose and not an accident. She also had some make up on, nothing like Romelle wanted but she thought her eyes looked nice and she stopped needing the disguise of the glasses so there was that. Romelle couldn't come but she helped her pick out her outfit so she had a cute top with tight jeans on, with her favorite converse.

Ugh, maybe just maybe, Bill really liked her. Maybe some of the other guys over the years really liked her. But she still felt like the insecure girl who didn't get asked to dance and to be completely honest, she just never felt that spark. Or lust. Or passion. So she never really pursued a relationship. She figured she'd know it if it was true.

None of the guys made her feel, well anything nice. So here she was 21 and single. Which isn't a bad place to be but she really just wanted someone to talk to. Someone to eat a pizza with. Or watch some documentary with and fall asleep on. Instead, she had Matt, her parents, Romelle when she wasn't on a date or work. She was tired, of being alone...even when she was with a group. Damn, maybe she should just go home now. She was seriously depressing herself.

And she had vowed to never just settle. If she wasn't going to just hook up she needed to get out before she did something stupid.

Taking a minute to actually use the facilities, she decides, 10 minutes, she can stay 10 more minutes. Then she was out. Stepping out of the bathroom and walking, she decided to look at the jukebox. As she stood looking at her options, she heard some girl talking about some insanely hot guy. Ignoring them she continues to scroll through the music, deciding upon some Bob Marley just to switch things up. As she was punching in some numbers when she heard a familiar sounding "Hey."

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