Kidge Summer Event 2023

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Hi all! I'm back, kinda lol. I've been wanting to write however, that wanting just hasn't translated to doing! But I am determined to do the summer Kidge event on Tumbler so I will post all my updates here as well!

Take care :)

1. Camping: AU-no aliens have visited and the team are camp counselors for a sleep away camp.

Keith sighs, absently contemplating the choices he's made that led him here. In the middle of nowhere. Far from home. And annoyingly loud. Absently using a stick to dig a trench at the base of his shoe, he wondered how the fuck he let himself get roped into this? Well, he knows how but the better question was, which adult thought HE was camp counselor material? Not to mention it was beyond the temperature of hell and the kids in his group were driving him crazy. Let's not even touch on his co-counselors. And it was only day one.

How was he going to last 2 freaking weeks? He found himself digging harder in the dirt, wishing he could just dig his way out of this damn camp. Suddenly, a foot came into view, gently pushing the dirt back into the hole then patting it level.

"Hey, stop moping. I have a job you will actually like, so get up and help me."

And here he is, the origin of his current problem. "Look Shiro, I'm on my dinner break still, in fact I have five full minutes left, so go find your BFF to help you."

Shiro grinned, replying, "I can't, he's busy tracking down his sister who managed to hide better than you. She's a first time camp counselor too so you guys have that in common."

Keith rolled his eyes knowing the next thing would be how they have other things in common and how they could be friends. Yet he reluctantly stood and followed Shiro to what looked like a camp fire space. When Shiro gave him the go ahead to start making the fire, Keith just grumbled to himself but started building the kindling never-the-less.


Keith winced and gritted his teeth, damn, that McClain guy was so loud! What was he yelling about now? He bet a well aimed punch would quiet him down. Glancing up he sees Shiro's friend Matt and he's pulling a small girl with him. Huh...He thought you weren't allowed to physically, whoa!

"Let me go you asshat! I thought you had my back! You can just Fuck off!" That girl had some lungs.

The girl jerks her arm loose of Holt and proceeds to step INTO him somehow staring him down, despite the fact she was a good half a foot shorter than him! Keith is mesmerized. She's mini sized but MORE.

"You fucking tattletale! How could you pull mom in?"

Mom? Keith is quickly making the connections, this must be Holt's sister, the one who hid better. With her volume, there is now a crowd materializing and Keith is wondering how this will play out. Shiro doesn't look worried however so this must not be unusual.

Matt scoots around the girl and practically runs over to Shiro for protection. Shiro, who is standing to his left, seems to stand at full height...for this little girl? Keith's eyes however stay on the girl. It's getting dark, so Keith isn't entirely sure of her hair or eye color. But she's wearing jean shorts, converse and a bright orange Bigfoot sweatshirt. She quickly follows in her brother's shadow and when she misses his arm she taps him behind the knee with her foot causing him to stumble. Keith continues watching this scene and wonders what's next.

Shiro bravely lets Matt hide behind him and gives the girl his patented diffuser smile. The one he uses when he's trying to get him out of trouble smile. The one who charms the pants off girls and grown men alike. But not this girl, who stops abruptly, yet even has the nerve to frown at Shiro!

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