Day 15 Soup

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Sooooo late...ah well! Happy Halloween!!!

Keith was sick. Which was shocking in and of itself. He was never sick. He didn't understand what was going on. But regardless his mom made Cosmo bring him back to Earth. On Shiro's doorstep. How embarrassing.

Which is why he was camped out in Shiro's spare room under strict orders to rest. Which was fine for the first few hours when he slept. But he was up now and bored. Even Cosmo left him. Ugghhhh. Feeling hungry he thought about getting up to cook.

After an hour, he finally managed to get up and make his way to the kitchen. He knew Shiro was working so he was supposed to heat something up. But as he was staring in the fridge he heard the door open. "Hey Shiro, I hope you brought food!! There's nothing in here!"

"Yeah, Curtis called me once Shiro told him you were here. And what are you doing up mister Blade?"

Keith turned his head, to see Pidge carrying, or more accurately, stumbling in with at least 6 bags. Shaking his head, "Pidge, you don't change do you?"

"Yeah, well, I don't see any reason to make two trips when it's completely possible to make it in one!"

Keith rolled his eyes, while simultaneously closing the refrigerator door. He turned only to stumble. Whoa, the room was spinning. He heard Pidge swear, a thump, and then she was right there, taking on his weight and holding him up. He closed his eyes hoping the room would stop moving. Everything went still. Which was great. But then he realized he was holding Pidge, really tightly.

She was cool to the touch, probably from being outside but she also smelled great. He couldn't help but hold her a little tighter, and somehow his thumb brushed the skin of her lower back. He groaned.

"Keith, hey, you okay? You still with me? Let's move you over to the chair, okay?"

Keith couldn't make his voice work so he grunted. She walked backward and manuvered him into the chair. She helped him sit and he still couldn't make himself let her go. She felt...right. Keeping his eyes closed he focused on her hands on his back, rubbing soothing circles. Which the shift in heights because of him sitting they were even. Slowly he backed up and looked right into her concerned hazel eyes. God, you're beautiful. Suddenly she turned pink and shook her head.

"Okay now I know you still have a fever." He felt her hand slide over to his forehead and stop. "I think you are still a little hot, let me give you some medicine and then I'll make you something to eat. Noting as good as Hunk but I can manage soup!" She took a step back and yet, he still couldn't move his hands away.

He slid his head to her shoulder, muttering, "Just one more minute. Please." She stayed and Keith felt a peace that he didn't even knew he desired. She stopped her project to go shopping and come help him. He knew it was an important one...and she's till came.  She hates cooking. She hates grocery shopping. He smiled, she cared. For him.

After a few minutes he finally let her go and smiled, "Thanks."

She rolled her eyes and nodded, "Okay, I'lll get everything, just sit tight."

Keith put his head on the table and watched her as she hurried around the kitchen. Getting him medicine, a drink, peeling and chopping vegetables, starting the pot and finally throwing all the ingredients in. He must of dozed because suddenly Shiro was there, halfway carrying him to bed. He tried to ask, but Shiro tucked him in and said, "Yeah, I know. Look, you're sick now but I think you finally realized. You two are such a thing. No going back now bud."

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