April 21stWed-SpringSport

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So I tried something a little different! Hope you enjoy. Not sure if I quite like the way it turned out but I tried!! Sorry for any misspellings. Also I know I'm behind and you guys are so kind and understanding so thanks!!! The 21st was my wedding anniversary and so this week has been crazy. The hubs and I decided to go on a weekend trip just the two of us and it was amazing! Stay safe!

Kinkade was using his drone to record the Spring Softball tournament. The only setback was he was not given direct approval soooo he was going to be a little sneaky this time. When he does the direct filming it seems too stilted and he doesn't get the real moments that he wants. Hence, he set up cameras, drones and audio recorders to get as much film as possible. A few days later he reviews the footage to create a video montage. 

Day 1-Friday 8 am start of tournament Footage


Each team has warm ups. The MFE team were paired off and playing catch. Kinkade saw himself and realized he needed to fully extend his arm better when throwing. He was stopping. Shaking his head he keeps watching. There's Ina trying to pretend she was hurt.


Opening ceremony. National Anthems of different countries and worlds. He forwards the footage slowly, skipping through hours of footage to suddenly pause the film. Keith arrived with a few Blade members. He looks tired and exhausted rubbing his face with one hand. Kinkade wondered how long Keith was going to keep traveling and doing humanitarian work. He's standing slightly separate from his team. Gaze somber Kinkade wonders how he is able to look so aloof. Shaking his head he continues to forward.



Keith's expression! Here you can tell he is engaged. He gaze is now focused and you can see his one fist is clenched. Kinkade quickly zooms out and tries to follow the object his gaze.

Damn. James was going to lose his shit.


Game 1: Rebels and MFE game. It was interesting to see the game from this perspective. He documented times that he wanted to go back to on his notepad. There were really some excellent plays from Griffin and Veronica.


Excellent footage of Lance cheering for his sister. Griffin's home run. He scans to see if Pidge is watching but ... no. Looking at the footage of different camera's in the trees he sees her sleeping... in a hammock. Well.

Kinkade sighed. She was such a cute girl, he could really see why so many guys around the Garrison liked her. But awake, shiver. She could be scary. Kinkade was looking for a quieter and nicer girl. Maybe someone who would defer to him. Or at least couldn't hurt him and outsmart him. But honestly he just was not interested in dating.

Sighing again. He kept writing down time times that had good or interesting clips.


Keith has arrived to wake up Pidge. His gaze is so different than just a few hours before. He is looking at her with such a tender expression, that Kinkade actually feels like he's intruding. Skipping a head a little, he hits play when Keith leans down. Holy cow!! Are they dating?

Oh, um nope. Keith is using a leaf to trail lightly against her skin causing Pidge to squirm and finally blink her eyes open. Their eyes meet. And both just stare. Kinkade feels himself blushing.

<FF> Team Vol-Tron vs. Olkari

The Olkari team isn't very athletic but they are wickedly good with tech and controlling objects so it is a close game. Starting line up for Vol-Tron originally didn't include Pidge but Keith cajoled her into playing by pricking her pride. The man really liked living dangerously.

Pidge ended up playing in the catcher position which surprised him. The catcher often was a caption of the team and had to often all plays and direct the players. He didn't think Pidge knew enough about the game. But since Keith was the pitcher maybe it shouldn't have been such a surprise. Those two were thick as thieves. Lance was the short stop which he excelled at because she could cover so much ground. Shiro was at third, man could that guy throw. Coran was in the outfield as was Commander Holt and Mrs. Holt. Which was funny because they were the oldest but the did great. Hunk held down first which was surprising and Curtis as an honorary Voltron player was at second.

And yet, the game was close and it all came down to a play at the end. Hunk got out the batter at first and threw it home where the base runner was sprinting. Pidge caught the ball and set herself to get the runner out who promptly skidded to a stop and ran back to third. Pidge started after them only to throw to Shiro, then it went back and forth for a while when Pidge yelled and the runner froze just for a second. Which gave Shiro the change to reach forward and tag. Vol-Tron for the win.

Kinkade was going to fast forward again when he saw Keith hug Pidge and pick her up off the ground. Which was fine except when Lance grabbed her and spun her around-Keith looked...frozen. Hmmmmm.


Next day, lots of footage of stretching and games. Hmmm, looks like Acxa and Veronica are dating. Then James talking to Pidge again. He brushes his fingers down her arm and she keeps talking a mile a minute. Until Lance and Keith arrived. Both moved close to Pidge, on each side. Then Lance threw his arm around her shoulders and Keith turned so he couldn't see his mouth but then the three former paladins leave.

He looks to James. He looks angry and is standing with his fists clenched.


MFE's vs. Mamora

His team squeaked out a win. Watching it again made him cringe at the mistakes he made. It's just softball is slightly different than baseball and it's hard to play against non Earth teams.

Pidge and her teammates watched the game and looking at the footage it's apparent James was trying to impress her. Kinkade was unsure if he was successful or not. What he did see was Keith at her side the entire time.


A few other games, nothing special. He did see quite a few couples that he hadn't known about. Shit! James pulled Pidge off. He didn't have a good angle so he only got their profiles when they moved. He could also see Keith in frame, so he didn't go far.


Championship game Vol-tron VS MFE's

The game was close. V was up in the 9th inning with MFE's at bat. The game ended on a throw out to home. Honestly he thought Pidge would drop the ball. Veronica was running home full speed when Hunk threw the ball home. With the game hinging on this last run, Veronica slid home and Kinkade fully expected a win. But then Veronica and Pidge collided and Pidge hit the ground hard.

The echo's of dismay were ingrained in his head. Keith as well as James both headed to her. Pidge opened her eyes and raised an arm. She held onto the ball. Veronica was called out. As Pidge started to stand she wobbled and Keith was right there. He scooped her up and held her close. James took a step but Keith fave him a mean mug and James...just...stopped.

It was the right call.


Kinkade knew she was taken to get checked out by the EMT's. He got involved in the last few recordings but paused. Holy crap. He caught it on tape!

Kinkade saw Keith cup Pidge's face in his hand, moving so gently it almost seemed fake. But then he saw Keith's head dip and kiss Pidge. Who wrapped her arms around Keith, whoa! Kinkade couldn't believe his eyes!!

2 Years Later

Kinkade goes up to Pidge and Keith at their wedding. "So guys, I got something on recording that I edited for you. Congrats!"

Later that night, Kinkade felt good giving them a copy of their first kiss at the softball tournament. He made a whole edit of their beginning and honestly the tape showed their love for each other develop. Love, finally Kinkade thinks he is ready.

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