Day 10 Drive In Movie

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AU-no space just friends-So I started and stopped this so many times. Work is just kicking my butt. So, I may try to write some shorter ones for each day and give myself some room! Hope you enjoy :)

Keith had never been to a drive in movie theater before and he was okay with that. Unfortunately his friends felt they needed to educate him. Which was why Keith was currently waiting to be picked up because apparently it was a no-no to take a motorcycle to a drive in. Keith wasn't sure how this was going to work because he couldn't see them all fitting in one car but who was he to say anything.

"Hey Virgin! Get your ass in the truck!"

Keith's eyes closed and he absently prayed for patience. Lance was already getting on his nerves and they hadn't even left yet! Opening them he stands and walks towards the huge pick up truck "Where'd you get the wheels?"

Hunk turned from the front passenger seat, "My dad got this a while ago but no one is allowed to drive it. Luckily my dad trusts Shiro more than me-so he said we could take it if he drove. We have all our stuff in the back. Hop in!"

Keith opened the door behind the driver's and he saw Pidge scoot over to the middle. Lance threw an arm around her and Keith's grip on the door tightened for a fraction of a second. He took a breath and hopped in. "Hey everyone. So is someone going to finally tell me what we are going to see?"

Pidge grinned, "Uh oh~no one told you? Shame on you Shiro!"

Shiro laughed, "What, he doesn't care what we see. Besides it's all about the experience."

Pidge laughed, "Hear that Keith, it doesn't matter."

Keith smiled and shook his head, "You guys are bad, whatever. I thought your brother was coming too Pidge?"

"Yeah, he's meeting us there because he has a tutoring gig. Which will be nice cuz then we could split up the drive home."

The ride goes quickly and before he knows it they are parked in the second to last row, which supposedly was where trucks were supposed to park. Pidge said it was great because they were closer to the concession stand and bathrooms. But they were also very close to the cornfield behind them.

Once parked everyone toppled out of the car and moved to the back. Hunk had a picnic basket of actual food. Keith figured his face must have shown his confusion because Pidge grabbed his arm, "Hey we are going to get popcorn and stuff, be right back!"

She pulled him to the concession stand and once in line explained, "So the food here isn't great and you know how Hunk is. But we want to patronize them so we buy popcorn, nachos, and I really like their licorice ropes."

Keith grins, "Oh yeah, and you hate setting stuff up so this makes sense." As they go through the line, Pidge asks him if he downloaded Genshin Impact yet and he shyly nods. He just started and he knows Pidge is way ahead of him. But she doesn't care. She leans in close and motions for him to open it up. As he does so, he hears, "Katie? Is that you?"

Damn, he knows that voice. If it's Allura then that means Lotor is nearby. Pidge turns and smiles, "Oh, hey Allura. How have you been?"

She whispers to Keith, "Her and Matt used to be in the same class, you know with Shiro?"

Keith nods slowly, he really wasn't a fan of her but he wasn't going to start trouble. Beside Lotor was the one who he didn't like. He nods and keeps looking at the game while Pidge makes small talk. As they get to the front, each grab a bucket of popcorn, and Pidge grabs the nachos. Keith remembered she said she liked the licorice so he tells the guy at the counter to grab five licorice. He's rewarded when Pidge give him a nudge. The damage wasn't too bad so Keith pulled out his wallet, only to look up and see Griffin. God, what an asshole. This is why he didn't go places.

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