April 28th Wed Rose or carnation free day

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Hope everyone is ready for the weekend!!! This has been the longest slowest week at work so I am beyond happy!

Pidge is standing awkwardly inside the bar trying not to text her brother the code to come save her. He knows where she's at and has already planned to 'bump' into her and see if he needs to be 'over protective' or 'cool" brother. Looking at the dude, he might have to be overprotective today, as usual.

She arranged to meet Mark at a bar/grill. They had a class together and he had been asking her out for the whole semester. So she finally said she'd go out with him. So she was standing in the foyer of the building and he was late. What the fuck? Don't ask a girl out and then arrive late. What a jerk.

Tapping a foot she sighed and as another cold breeze hit her she decided to walk into the bar and get out of the way of people walking in and out. Walking in she talks in the area, there's a stage up front, bar to the left, tables and high tops off to the right. It seemed okay. She squinted and thought she saw games in a room off the main area. Pool, darts and whoa!!!! Is that ax throwing?!?

Grinning she shoots her brother a quick text and heads back to the game room. Mark could find her. Walking in she sees a lot of fellow classmates and waves. She ate before hand but looking at the appetizers and food on the tables it looked like she will be eating again. Suddenly she feels an arm land around her shoulders. Freezing she clenches a fist ready to attack when a voice causes her to relax. Lance. McClain. Harmless flirt and classmate of her cohort.

"Pidgey!!! What are you doing here?? And might I add, looking smokin!"

Pidge can feel her face flush but keeps cool. "Hey Lance, just meeting Mark here."

"Mark? Um, Mark from Engineering?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, um, he's just kinda...well, he's not someone who I would see you with. He's kinda lame."

I couldn't help but laugh!! "Yeah well since he's late I've gotta agree with you. Dude, are you going to play the ax throwing, I've always wanted to try this."

Lance froze, "Really?"

Pidge nodded looking hopeful. Lance sighs, "Okay but first why did you agree to Mark's date and not mine?"

Hunk approaches, "Lance, we are all teammates and friends. She also knows you and I don't think Pidge is the type of girl who would just stand by while you flirted with everyone hot guy or girl."

Pidge nods, "You'd be a eunuch."

Some guy laughed and Pidge turned to see some super hot guy. Damnnnn. Blinking she stares.

"Keith! That's not funny as my rival you should not be laughing!" Lance replied. Jokingly???

I blink, and state stupidly, "Keith? Who's Keith? Is he in our track?"

I look to Lance, who's laughing, so I look to Hunk. Hunk takes pity on me, "No he's not in our track per se but he plans on being a pilot so we've had some classes with him. He's good people." Hunk pulls Keith over, "Keith, Pidge, Pidge, Keith."

I say "Hi" when suddenly arms enclose around me and pull me from behind. No sound. I immediately elbow the intruder to hear a groaned, "Babe." I step away and turn. Mark. I want to reply that after 15 minutes our agreement was null and void but I reined it in. Sighing, I nodd.

Mark starts to explain why he's late and I try real hard not to argue. My phone buzzes and it's Matt. I quickly type a response when a hand reaches for my phone. I step back right into...Keith. He quickly stabilizes me then drops his hands. I apologize and he mutters, "No big."

Turning slowly I say to Mark, "Hands off my technology."

He grins and winks at me. Ugh. He's not a bad looking guy but he's a little to swarmy for my tastes. He indicates the pool table, "Want me to teach you babe?"

I arch a brow, "I know how to play pool, seriously it's a game of angles and I'm a genius. I'd murder you."

I heard a laugh and looked up, right into Keith' eyes. God they were pretty. Shaking my head I say, "I'd rather start on a level playing field. Lance, Hunk and Keith are doing ax throwing, let's join them."

Lance quickly agrees but then Mark interrupts with, "Baby, I thought we were going to get some quality 1 to 1 time."

He reaches over to trail his fingers down my arm and I try not to flinch. I back up and reply, "My name isn't babe. Do you remember what my name even is?"

He stares and our little group is quiet. I struggle not to hit him when Keith states, "Holt, younger sib, Katie."

I glance over my shoulder, "Um yup, wasn't asking you but got it in one. Maybe you should be my date since you actually know my name." I pointedly look at Mark but he's too busy frowning at Keith.

After a little quiet, Keith's name is announced for an ax throwing reservation. He looks at me, "You're more than welcome to join us." He pauses and continues, "I guess you can come too Mark."

Thirty minutes later, I took off my sweater and stood behind the line. I don't understand what I was doing wrong! The ax kept clinking and falling. Shit even Mark and Lance were better. I was getting pretty frustrated by now and trying to keep Mark's hands off me was getting old. Where the hell was Matt?!?

Keith approaches me from the left. Quietly he says, "Katie, you need to adjust your stance." He comes closer and reaches for my hips, pausing he questions, "Can I adjust you?"

I nodded, then flushed when his hands made their way to my hips. He repositioned me and talked me through the mechanics. He had such a kind voice. Patient. Then he stepped back and I had to take a minute to recalibrate. So, I took a deep breath, aimed and threw. It stuck! Grinning turned looking for him when I see Keith pinning Mark against the wall. Well.

At this point, Matt and Shiro arrived and there was a lot of yelling. Keith actually punched Mark square in the face and security came quickly. They wanted to kick Keith out when Lance yelled, "He tried to drug my friend! Keith saw him put something in her drink!"

Mark of course was denying it and Keith looked resigned to leaving. I interrupt, "Gentleman," I dip my fingertip in the drink and show everyone that the color changed, "this nail polish only changed when roofies are present. Mark," I walk over and knee him in the crotch, "please don't ever talk to me again."

The bouncers grab Mark and take him away while Matt is muttering curses on him and his entire blood line. Things settle down after we realize Keith and Shiro are friends and see how our little friend group intersects. After a few more hours of ax throwing I sit on a nearby couch. After Mark left and my brother showed up, I had started drinking a little more. I was getting pretty sleepy. Suddenly I see a light red carnation in front of my face.

Looking over, Keith plops on the couch next to me. Close next to me. Like I can feel his heat next to me. I reach for the carnation and arch a brow, or at least I think I do.

Keith smiles and kisses my nose. "The carnation indicates my admiration. You've been hitting bullseyes since our lesson." Nodding I agree. He continues, "Plus, you really put that asshole in his place. So, um, do you think, you might be interested in getting some food with me...some other night?"

I smiles and nod thinking, oh yeah, I'm interested.

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